4 - Confounding

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Shiloh spent most of that day researching what exactly this company was up to, previous research they had released, and the project they were currently working on. He had to stop a couple of times to follow the two CEO's to various meetings. He was thankful that the two didn't just run off. That let him do the job they hired him for and that in itself was a relief. By the time he was told to pack up his items, he had a long checklist of things he needed to check at their house as well as around the company building. They made it to their house relatively quickly with Shiloh taking in his new surroundings the entire car ride. 

Soon enough they were leaving the city behind them. He felt relief as they pulled up to a large gate with a finger scanner allowing them in. He watched tall brick walls disappear into the foliage in both directions before directing his attention forward. The house wasn't massive like he thought it would be. Instead of a mansion, as he expected, he was met with open land sprinkled with trees, foliage, and wildflowers. He could see a small barn-like building over to the side with a pasture attached to one end, the fence following along the driveway. The house itself was a beautiful one-story ranch house, with a wrap-around porch. All the siding was a clean white, with natural colored stonework bordering the bottom and dark wood beams accented the entryway and windows. The roof was tiled with dark gray panels. Overall, Shiloh was in love with the house. It was the type of area he would love to live in someday, away from the city, and the people.

As the car pulled into an attached garage, Shiloh focused back on the task, "Does the house have security?"

"Yes, it is under 24/7 surveillance with guards around the perimeter and way more security cameras than I can count. I'll get you access to all of the feeds. There's a separate building by the stables that the guards stay in. You will be the first we bring into the house." As Rhett responded Shiloh was beginning to realize that Malin was the silent and serious one of the two.

"I understand this is uncomfortable for the two of you and I'm sorry about that. I'll be sure to stay quiet and out of your hair. I'll do my best for it to seem as if I'm not even there." Although it was his job and he would be getting paid, he did feel bad. He didn't want people to be uncomfortable due to his presence. After the statement, Shiloh climbed out of the car and began removing his bags.

He wasn't expecting the men to respond, but he expected Malin's voice even less. "Shiloh. It's really okay. We do like our privacy, but we like living even more. You're going to be spending a lot of time with us so we might as well get to know each other. Make the best of the situation. Maybe by the end of this, we'll be friends." Shiloh's face scrunched up in confusion. He didn't understand these men, nor did he understand the concept of friends. He had never had any.

He looked at Malin wide-eyed, a part of him deep down wanting to divert his eyes, but instead, he focused on the mismatched eyes, "I've never had friends." The comment was unconscious. Words he meant to keep tucked in the recess of his mind, locked behind bars with the rest of things he's never had and truly believed he never would. With a shrug, he left the two men in the garage to explore and clear the house.

Malin looked to Rhett with an unreadable expression, "Did he just say he's never had friends?"

Rhett frowned at the thought, "That's what he said."

They were frozen in place, lost in thought for some time just staring at the open doorway into the house. Eventually, the two wandered in, putting away their shoes and jackets. They saw Shiloh's boots sitting neatly against the wall. Malin appreciated the act.

Shiloh walked smoothly out of the hallway, "The house is clear, but I wasn't able to check one room because it was locked?" Shiloh was a naturally curious person and he wouldn't lie, a locked room in a house is driving him nuts, both from a security standpoint and just his regular curiosity.

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