18 - Oboedire

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It took a short time for Shiloh to calm down and when the tears finally calmed and they took a deep breath, Malin finally spoke, "Do you have any objections to anything we've talked about?"

"No, everything sounds fine so far."

"Good. Today we're going to just have a regular day. Malin and I need to answer some emails, but that should only take a couple hours. There's two things we want you to do today. The first is write a list of every punishment your sperm donor gave you, we will never do anything on that list. Second, you'll be keeping a journal, a diary of sorts. In it you can write as much as you'd like, but the bare minimum needs to include how you're feeling about the BDSM aspect of your life. Punishments, rewards, commands, the club, anything and everything related to BDSM. We're going to read it at least once a week, this is just so we can have a better understanding of what we are doing right or wrong. You will never be punished for anything written in that book. You can get a second journal if you'd like to keep a separate more personal diary." Rhett's large hands ran reassuringly over Shiloh's back.

"When you find the one you'd like and whatever pens or pencils you'd like to use in it, just send us the links and we'll get them ordered."

"Yes, Kýrios, Kýrie. I can do that. Can I sit in the hammock while I work on it?"

"Of course. Sit with Malin for a second, I'll be right back." Shiloh didn't get a chance to respond before Rhett was gone. Instead, they relaxed into Malin, the comfort from the dominant man pushing all the overwhelming thoughts away.

Only Malin was aware of the five minutes that passed with a lax Shiloh in their embrace when Rhett arrived back in the living room with a small bag in his hand. "Here you go precious. There's a blanket, your sketchbook, a notebook, pencils, your phone, and a bottle of water."

"We'll come to get you when we're done. If you come back in before we find you, we'll be at the table."

Shiloh stood and gave Malin a quick kiss, "Thank you, Malin."

Before Malin could react Shiloh was moving to Rhett, "Thank you, Rhett." They grabbed the bag and disappeared from the room.

As soon as Malin heard the backdoor shut, he turned to Rhett, "I'm going to kill him."

"We can't do that." Malin paced the length of the living room. Rhett watched him carefully, visualizing the smoke coming from the man's ears.

"We need to do something. Anything. If I can't put the man six feet under, then I'll put his name there. His company." There was a moment of silence, "but what of the brothers... Do you think they knew?"

"I don't know MJ." Rhett tensed as he watched Malin waiver, but before he had to step in Malin sat next to him and let his head rest on Rhett's shoulder. Rhett braced his arm across Malin, so the man wouldn't fall forward and didn't move until Malin lifted his head a couple of minutes later.


"Yeah, I'm just so fucking furious."

"Come on, let's go get this work done. You can plan the destruction of Shiloh's sperm donor after." Rhett stood from the couch and pulled Malin up next to him. Malin would never admit it, but there may have been a pout as he followed behind. Work was the last he wanted to do.

While the two worked efficiently through the emails, Shiloh was curled in the hammock wrapped in a blanket that somehow smelt of the two men's cologne. They had finished the list of punishments, the paper had nearly twenty things on it. There would probably be more, but those were all they could remember. Going over the list with Malin and Rhett was something they really weren't looking forward to. Putting the sad thoughts away, Shiloh pulled out their phone and focused on scrolling through all the different options of journals. They saved their top three links along with a pack of colored pens. With their tasks completed, they worked on finishing the most recent sketch. Although the sounds of nature and the relaxing breeze could have easily lulled them to sleep, Shiloh was much too excited about what the rest of the day was going to bring and instead packed up their belongings and went back inside.

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