Depuis le début

"And you waited the night?" Shane asks incredulously as Dale glares at him. "I thought we could survive one more night. We did. I was waiting till this morning to say something. But Glenn wanted to be the one." Dale says calmly while Shane still tries to pick a fight in the topic.

"The man is crazy, Rick. If Hershel thinks those things are alive or- NO!" Shane yells as Rick tries to calm him once again.

His persistent shouting makes the walkers in the barn rule up again clamoring against the door.

Everyone backs away by instinct as Rick stares at the barn with inner turmoil. He really didn't want to leave and he really didn't want to make an enemy of Hershel.


Lori decided to school Carl and Raya to get their mind off the conflict from earlier

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Lori decided to school Carl and Raya to get their mind off the conflict from earlier. But she couldn't help but notice Julia lacing up her combat boots after a nice shower. She was preparing to hunt for Sophia again solo.

"Julia.... A word please." Lori calls and Julia huffs but walks a distance away from the kids before looking to Lori wondering what she wanted now.

"You can't keep leaving like this." Lori says lowly but Julia doesn't bother to hide her disdain as she scoffs and look at the woman like she grew an extra head.

"We've done this little rodeo once don't start with me right now Lori." Julia spat turning to leave but Lori grabs her arm and let's go when Julia wheels around ready to punch her.

"Julia- you need to be a better influence for Raya." Lori explains it calmly but that just pisses Julia off even more.

"How many more times do I have to tell you people she's not my fucking kid. I don't give a rats ass what happens to her so- kindly fuck off with that bull shit. I swear every time you open your mouth it's just bullshit after bullshit spewing out. Do us all a favor and just keep your mouth shut..... or is it hard to do that just like keeping your damn legs closed." Julia sneers making Lori blink and stare in shock as Julia's eyes flick to her stomach.

She remembered what she saw that night.

"Ms. Julia?" Raya asks softly as Julia stares at her with a cold expression before shaking her head and walking away.

She didn't need this.

She didn't need these people.

And she sure as hell didn't need a damn lecture from the camps whore.

Julia was storming across the farm without any specific location in mind. Funny how she practically ran into a pissed off Daryl, he was heaving and looked to be in pain.

Julia wasn't concerned for him though and just walked around him still muttering to herself aggressively kicking things along the way.

Daryl just watched her walk away slightly curious what had upset her but brushed it off. He didn't care for her either.

THE COLD WAR (Daryl Dixon)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant