"Good thing."

"Oh shut up."

The two chuckled and everyone had already made theirselves at home. Vanessa made her way to Wentworth's room and shut the door.

"Your mom looks extra slutty today," Richie pointed out.

"Tell me about it. She kept asking me to 'check her ass' and see if it 'looked good' in her new fucking thong," Ellie groaned. Richie gagged.

"That's fucking disgusting."

"I know." She sucked in a breath. "Has Wentworth gotten any better?"



"Don't worry about it, I'm a lovely sacrifice, just ask Kyle."

"Oh whatever about Kyle, no one likes him anyway. I'd rather him get beat than you."

"He's only seven, we can't do that," Richie chuckled.

"Yeah, true.. he's still an annoying fuck though."

Richie chuckled lightly. "Hey, Jessie."

"Richie," Jessie answered.

"Dude, you're stuck with me for two weeks, might as well try getting along."

"Two weeks don't mean shit, I'll get away from you at any cost."

"Not a bad idea," Richie answered.

"Blah blah blah," Jessie rambled, walking away.

"Clearly he hasn't changed," Richie remarked, turning to Ellie.

"Nope. I really wish he would," she sighed.

"Same, same."

"Hey Losers!" Richie chanted, sloppily walking down the grassy hill towards the barrens where his friends sat.

"Late. Again," Stanley commented.

"What can I say, it's my aesthetic," Richie sighed with a shrug, plopping down next to Eddie.

"There's nothing a-a-a-aesthetic uh-about being late," Bill added.

"Ever heard of 'fashionably late', B-B-Billy?" Richie regaled, causing Bill to throw a pebble at him.

"What happened to your cheek?" Eddie mumbled, leaning a little more and lightly touching Richie's face.

"Oh shit, did Ms. K leave a kissy mark on it?!" Richie joked. Eddie slapped his shoulder with the back of his hand.

"I'm being serious!"

"Nothiiing, I bumped into Bowers again, it's no biggie, not like mine," Richie explained with a reassuring grin and a wink, Eddie grimacing at the comment.

"Oh, did he hurt you?"

"No." Eddie sighed. "Anyways! What's everyone's opinion on the Lorax movie?"

"That was released forever ag-go," Bill said.

"Well, I just watched it yesterday and must I say it is a very good movie," said Richie. "Would recommend."

"Who knows, maybe we'll watch it for movie night one of these horrific nights?" Beverly suggested. Richie's face lit up.

"Beverly you are the smartest girl I know!"

"I'm the only girl you know."

"Damn," Ben snickered.

"I take back my compliment, whatever!" Richie said dramatically. "So, anyone notice how this place smells like wet dog?"

Eddie tittered. "Yeah, Rich, just like your mom's cooking."

Beverly's eyebrows rose and she smiled.

"Oh, real original, Eds. Did you come up with that all by yourself?" Richie asked sarcastically, skidding a rock across the rushing waters.

"Hey, at least my mom can cook. Your mom's probably too busy crying over your report card," Eddie added, shoving Richie's leg lightly with the tip of his shoe.

"Yeah, well, at least I don't pull out an inhaler like it's a gun every five seconds."

"You take that back, Trashmouth!"

"Stop fightiiiing," Stanley groaned, trying to stay peacefully reading.

"Yeah seriously, it's getting old," Bill added.

"Oh look who's suddenly the peacemaker. Did you lose your stutter, Bill?" Richie teased. Bill scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"No, Richie, j-just you and Eddie need to ss-stop arguing for once in your lives," Bill commented. "You two need to be more friendly. Suh-Suh-Stick together more, you know?"

"Yeah because that's been working well in our favor. We're still stuck in this godforsaken town, aren't we?" Stanley added, not drawing his eyes off of the book he read.

"No need for the negative aura, Staniel!" Richie begged sarcastically.

"If you don't shut your damn mouth right now Trashmouth so help me—"

"HEYY! Uh- did.. you guys hear about the new kid? At school? Apparently he got a pet tarantula," Ben said, changing the subject and trying to lighten the mood.

"Ugh, spiders. Just what we need, more creepy crawlies in this town," Richie complained, repeating the rock-throwing he had been doing.

Mike chuckled. "Well, at least it's not Pennywise."

"Who the hell would take that creepy ass Ronald McDonald and make it their pet..?" Richie asked.

"Just saying I'd definitely take a tarantula over that clown any day," Mike sighed.

Beverly rose an eyebrow as she spoke up, "Speaking of creepy, did y'all see Henry yesterday? He looked like shit, furthermore, giving me the creeps."

Richie grinned. "Oh come on Bev, I thought you liked bad boys." Eddie rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Yeah, Bev, I'm sure you're just dying to date a psycho with a switchblade," Eddie said, exaggerating the words to rub it in Richie's face how idiotic his commentary was.

"You guys talk a lot," Stanley sighed. With a final chuckle from Richie, the air filled with comfortable silence and the group peacefully enjoyed the next hour at the quarry with no irritating jokes and voices.

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