One Year Later

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So, one year, huh?

I'll admit, one year was way too little, to digest such big events.

But, alas, days go by, and I do feel better, and I hope you do so too.

I have been fortunate enough to still be able to find the comfort and humour in his content, and now also dear Mr. Technodad's. And for that I am thankful.

I am also thankful for being able to somewhat move on, yes, i do indeed still feel sad and tears threatening to spill whenever I see all the memorials this brilliant community has made, and when i think of the day it happened, which, I guess, is what brought me to write this today, one year later.

But I've found people in my real life who has listened when I explained the meaning and impact Techno has had on me, and in return I've listened to what they had on their hearts, and it has helped, because even though we know some of the darkest things of each other, we still laugh every single day, and for that I am thankful.

I hope every single person who has read this book and found as much comfort or maybe entertainment in it as I, has come through nicely to the other side, and can finally look back with a smile. I hope you're all doing great because you all deserve that.

Thanks for the 1K reads on this book, it means the world to me that you have had patience with me and my writing. I know I haven't uploaded a story for almost a year, and I am sorry, I have had one in the works since August last year, but that is also the last time I wrote on it (psst- I started writing on it again), since in a lack of time and ideas I kinda died on the story, I have an entire chapter so if anyone would want to read it let me know and I will release it unfinished.

On that note I must say I don't have the same need for the comfort I get when writing stories in this book, which is why there hasn't been any uploads, I am getting a lot better mentally, but I'll see if some inspiration will spark during my summer break, since I still absolutely love writing, (and, no, I haven't left the fandom comepletely, I just don't have much time so I only keep track of those I really enjoyed) I will write if an idea hits me, and that is sadly all I can garantee, since the book has always just been a hobby, and i don't like feeling obligated to do so, so I will not treat this book as homework, as to enjoy it so much more, and hopefully create much better reading experiences. 

So, to everyone who has read this, you're a better person than me I never have the patience for author's notes oops, I thank you, and hope you all have a fantastical day, please take care of  yourself, because I know you can do it.

- Visions of gideon   Sufjan Stevens

- The 30th  Billie Eilish

- TV  Billie Eilish

With love,


Technoblade never dies.

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