The End... Towards a new beginning

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(3rd POV)

As the story goes, Sonic was able to free all of the Home planets of the wisps from Eggman's amusement park. After that, he and Tails were about to escape the theme park on the train, but Eggman was waiting for them with a huge surprise.

Sonic: "Time to bail!" *Running towards the train along with tails*

Suddenly a rummbling sound was heard

Sonic: "Woah!"

A purpose giant machine with two mechanical tendrils hovered over them

Tails: "isnt that..?!"

Sonic: "huh!? It can't be!"

Eggman: "leaving so soon?" *Said with a moving tone*

Eggman revealed himself to be operating a new machine he created called, The Nega Wisp.

Eggman: There are no lines, but i've saved the Best rides For last. At least let me STAMP your hand so You can come back in. *gripping his fist and stomping it down out of anger*

Sonic: *sigh* i know you're trying to be clever with this whole amusement park pun thing, but it's coming off just lame. Say your going to stop us and stop embarrassing yourself.

Eggman: Curse You Sonic! Not only do You foil My plans but You foil My speeches as well! I work hard on them!*he starts to relax and speak again* No matter. I WILL destroy You and I WILL be Victorious!... Is that better?

Sonic: Like, a millión times better. Thank You.

Eggman: *begins explaining his creation* This robot is special. He's powered by the energy of your little friends, he is invincible. *the creature roars* I'd Say it's been Nice knowing you... but it hasn't.

Tails: I have to admit it, i'm a little scared. I don't think we can beat him.

Sonic looks at tails, behind him some buttons and back to eggman.

Sonic: See You on the ground buddy.

Tails: Huh? Sonic! No!

Sonic pushed Tails towards the train that took them to the theme park. He begged Sonic not to fight, but it was too late. Sonic pushed a few buttons and sent the train back to Earth with Tails inside.

Sonic: Just one last thing to do!

looks back at eggman.

Sonic: and as for You... *Gets in a fighting stance*

The story goes as the battle began between Eggman's new machine and Sonic over a theme park facility. And as the ending goes, Sonic and his friends (Yacker, laser, cube, hover, rocket, frenzy, spike, and drill) were able to make a final blow to the Nega Wisp and defeat it once and for all.

(Imagine tails isnt there and it's only Sonic and the wisps)

Sonic: "alright! Up top yacker!"

Before anyone could celebrate, a sudden rummbling was heard and when they all looked back... there was only more trouble.

The generators of the theme park were out of control and the energy was rapidly consuming everthing in it's path.

Sonic: "ugh! This might not end well."

Sonic and alongside the wisps were running fast down the line back to earth. But farther behind them eggman was defeated and couldn't escape.

Eggman: "ow My head. Who turned out the light?"

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