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I am sitting here surrounded by nothing but the shine casted by the stars, the sound of the wind meeting the shore once and more, and the feeling of being tremendously in peace, especially from within.

I am home, engulfed with everything I hold dear and everything that I am...Complete.

I sit here, far away from it all.
And can't but wonder the life I've begone, I've shed pouring downfalls, heard the cracks and snaps of my heart break and lost my voice by indecision. I've slowly but surely built my self up, mended my fragmented soul, made myself stronger than I was before.

I sit and I stare at my friends. I really do, just marvel at the sheer presence of them. And I can't believe I have the privilege to call these moments and these people my own. To live in them, and to be filled by them to the very brim.

What joy it is to finally realize that the love of one's lives is your own self. Closely followed by blood, those you were brought into who made you laugh through the tears and held you straight when your legs gave way.
And most importantly, people that you chose to belong to. You chose to hold near, to be vulnerable and give out pieces of heart with no doubt in mind.

I am in love, drastically and stupidly in love
And for the first time in a long while, it is a feeling so farfetched to what I was accustomed too.
I am in love with this life, MY life. The same one I have been gifted, and have worked and fought hard to keep it. I am in love with my surroundings, my perfect ecosystem, my people.

I've built this. My past is my present and will forever be part of my future, it has shaped me, made me. And I will carry it happily forevermore. I will carry you happily forevermore. You are a big part of it, and for that I will be eternally grateful.

For now,
I am home.
I am happy.
I am were I belong.
And I wouldn't dare changing a thing

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