Chapter 4 - Broken hearts

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Akshay - "So you were really confident with your investigation."

Mr. Sharma - "It had to be, sir. Nothing can go wrong in the statement."

Akshay - "Doctor, what about fingerprints? Was there any unknown person's?"

Ankita - "Ekansh's three fingerprints are found in Ankita's hands and elbow

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Ankita - "Ekansh's three fingerprints are found in Ankita's hands and elbow. Otherwise, Harshavardhan's fingerprints are throughout her body. On Ekansh too, there were only Harshavardhan's fingerprints are found. That's it."

Arjun - "While dying, Harshavardhan told me that I spoilt the lives of four people. Kalki and Harsh. Kalki and Harsh's baby wasn't dead. Kalki was also not carrying any child. As said by Mr. Sharma, Ekansh was also saved. Then, who could be the other two, doctor?"

After saying this, Arjun looks at Mr. Sharma. He looks down.

2 hours back

In the police station

Arjun - "Akshay, while dying he said that I spoiled the life of four people. One is Harsh. Second is Kalki. Third is Ekansh and the fourth is Harsh-Kalki's child."

Mr. Sharma interrupted.

Mr. Sharma - "Sir, Ekansh was saved. How could it be him?"

Arjun and Akshay looks at him shocked.

Arjun - "What the hell are you saying, Mr. Sharma?"

Mr. Sharma - "I'm telling the truth, sir. Ekansh was saved in the hospital."

Arjun - "Then, why did you add his name anywhere in the list? Why didn't you investigate him? Why didn't you produce him in the court?"

Mr. Sharma - "Sir, he wasn't in the condition of speaking. He was sitting very numb and doctors advised not to proceed any investigation. We too felt that the case can be closed without his statement."

Arjun - "It wasn't mentioned anywhere in the whole report that he was live. You didn't even inform me about this too. How could you be so careless, Mr. Sharma?"

Mr. Sharma - "I'm sorry, sir. But, there is nothing wrong in the case, sir. Even you asked us a huge number of questions after you become stable. You too felt that the case doesn't have any loopholes."

Though Arjun is angry with Sahil's carelessness, he was also wrong. How could he miss that important point that Ekansh was saved.

Ankita - "Spoilt doesn't mean death, right? Just check Ekansh and Kalki's child's current condition. Maybe he meant that. Did you check them?"

Akshay - "Mr. Sharma ?"

Mr. Sharma - "After getting discharged from the hospital, Ekansh disappeared suddenly. He is not even in contact with his family or friends. He cut down all the contacts, sir."

Meri Fitoor aur Teri Hadh - ZaDaa SSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ