6. Faces, Letters, and Toast

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[Is everything okay Host?] The System reads, appearing in front of William's face, blocking the view of the mirror he had been staring into, [You're not malfunctioning are you?]

"Living things don't malfunction System," he explains, tilting his head slightly to see around the screen, "I was just a bit surprised." He admits, trying not to feel jealous of a face that was *technically* his now.

Asterius had certainly been blessed in the looks department. He wasn't the toned, masculine handsome that Cadeyrn had, but his face had a unique appeal. Beautiful in the way of royalty or a doll. Something perfect and sparkling that you could never touch, a near inhuman charm.

He has straight, waist-length silver hair, and dark blue eyes that glittered in the light, looking as though a piece of the night sky rested within them, shifting with stars. Skin pale and unblemished, like porcelain. With pointed elf-like ears, that seemed to at least partially react to his mood, wiggling and bending slightly as he tested expressions in the mirror.

"The book had said Asterius was pretty but... I didn't think he would be this pretty."

[Asterius's mother, Luma, the old goddess of the moon, is widely regarded to be the most beautiful god to ever exist. Even the gods and goddess of love do not hold a candle to her refined ethereal beauty.]

Ah that explains it, all of his siblings had also been rather attractive, enough so for it to note mention in the book. Both the twins were compared to the old God Emperor, and were undeniably handsome in the spartan warrior way, while Asterius's sister was described more as 'cute', a girlish cheerleader charm befitting her young godhood.

"So, you are saying Asterius got his looks from his mom?"

[System would not say that. Asterius's form, as all god forms, are a reflection of their divinity, and they shift and change to better accommodate the godhood they represent.]

The System must see his lost face because it pulls up a little cartoon picture of Asterius. [All Gods have a "True Form"] and the picture of Asterius shifts into a bright little star, [and a "Vessel Form"] and the picture shifts back into normal Asterius.

[There is a difference between a True Form of a god and their Vessel Form.] It goes on to explain, and Willaim has a vivid flashback to his history teacher who loved slide-shows a tad too much. [True Forms are decided the moment a god is created, only another ascendance can change them. While Vessel Forms are not so rigid and simple features will come and go with the god's fancy. External factors such as shifts in the hierarchy of the heavens or a new branch of worshipers can also affect a god's physical form.]

Well, that was an information overload, but basically, "So, Asterius chose to look like his mom?"

[No again.] William's convinced it's purposefully trying to pull his leg now, [In Asterius's case he gained a similar appearance to his mother after he became Regent of the Moon. Just his will alone would not alter his appearance so heavily, and he is still very distinct from the original moon goddess. The only physical resemblance they share is silver hair.]

"If they aren't alike at all, then why did you mention his mother at the beginning?" William asks, completely lost on where this conversation was supposed to go.

[System was just trying to supply the Host with more knowledge! It's not System's fault that Host misunderstood!]

"You-," he sighs, rubbing at his temples, getting mad wouldn't do him any good and it was information he should probably know, "So every god has a set True Form, and their Vessel Form is a reflection that can be slightly edited," he summarizes trying to make sure he's got everything.

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