Chapter 1: the first day

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I was so excited!!! And, my older sister, jennie got to have her own series!!! Now, its my turn!!! Oh! Hi! Im chiquita! And this is my experience at a rich people school! Oop! I gotta get breakfast!

Eomma: jooyeon! Im not goanna wait forever! Jennie, honey, your taking your sister to the bus stop, ok?
Jennie: got it. Chiquita, hurry up please.
Chiquita:...yes, yes, jennie.
Appa: Jooyeon, you forgot something.
Jooyeon: my water bottle! Thanks, appa.
Appa: mhm, jooyeon.
Eomma: your done already, chiquita?
Chiquita: yes, eomma! Jennies waiting.
Bye i love you eomma, you to appa!
Eomma and appa: bye, chiquita, we love you as well.

The bus came shorter than expected, but it was ok! I waved and hugged jennie goodbye, as she did the same. I was turning to a girl, but she put her backpack on an empty seat. Rude.

A girl waved over to me and patted on an empty seat. I walked over to her.
Asa: im asa.
Chiquita: chiquita.
Asa: nice to meet you.
Chiquita: you too, asa.
Asa: you like " komi cant communicate? "
Chiquita: how did you know?
Asa: your water bottle.
Chiquita: well, it looks like i just met my ride or die. Havent i?
Asa: ya sure have.

We discussed about our other favorite animes and evantually, we landed safely at school. Woohoo! I opened the doors like cinderella! Everyone was gling to the cafeteria, so, i joined in! apparently, it was an assembly. Everyone stood up and did the pledge of allegiance and everyone sat down. The principle took the microphone from a teacher, and startdd speaking.

Principle: Settle down, settle down, students. We have a new student joining us today. Can everyone please give it up for, chiquita?
Kids: wooooo!!!!
Chiquita: hi....
Kids: * silence *.....WOOOOOO!!!
the crowd of my fellow classmates crowded me and said that i was a godess and the new popular hot girl?!?!

Lily:...that girl really thiught thaylt she could just steal my life, huh? * puts lollipop in her mouth *

Mrs. Buckle: alright, class, today we will be learning how to crack a code. specifically, a safe bank. Lets make up a storyline. Yes, Jongseob?
Jongseob: can i make a story?
Mrs. Buckle: sure.
Jongseob: ok, so,.... Theres an evil man named elton mustache. He hid 100 dollars that he stole from the bank! A spy named jongseob has to open the safe with all the money inside.
Mrs. Buckle:ok, so, in order to do that, either, you can try to do the 0000 trick or, you can use special type of bombs. These bombs are called, " safety bombs " whenever your on a mission, and you have to unlock a safe, just use these. Because, these type of bombs just break the safe, but not whats inside, or outside. And, it is EXTREMELY safe.
* bell rings *
Mrs. Buckle: class dismissed.

Im only 12 yrs. Old and i already have a locker! Sweet! I tried the 0000 trick to open up my locker, and, it worked! Nice!
I got my sneaking book about, well, sneaking around as a spy and not getting caught. My next class i couldnt find and i only had 4 more minutes until the bell rang. I asked a principle and he pointed and said these....indescribable words that i cnat even pronounce. Probably because my british accent sucked and the principle is a british korean.

I found it out by myself, and ran my entire way there. I picked a random seat. But, after 12 minutes, the teacher never showed up! I started panicking, and stood on top of my desk, and screamed.

Lily: relax, he does this every day. He thinks we cant see him. Although, he told us the perfect place to hide and he is hiding there rn. Its the vent. Also, your in MY desk, lady.
Chiquita: well, how come you cant just find another seat? I got here first!
Lily: too bad, so sad. Deal with it!

Who did this regina george wannabe think she was? I got here first!
Lily: look, if you odnt wanna move, ill make ya!
Chiquita: bet, also, i thought that you was in the ocean.
Lily: why would i be in the ocean?
Chiquita: because, i thought that there was so much plastic in the ocean that, yet, plastic is hated, and not wanted.
Class: oOoOoOOOoOooOoooOOOHhHhh
Lily: you wanna fight, old grandma?
I hesitated. I wasnt so sure. I was the only kid in my family who didnt attend karate classes just because im to cute.

I started crying because i was trying my best to start fresh at my new school. I didnt want any enemies!!! I wish i wasnt such a softy and my parents didnt always baby me when it comes to spy stuff. They dont even let me take on missions! Even my cousin whos 4 takes karate lessons. I cried even more harder and just got out of the seat and on my knees i cried.

Lily: ha, told ya, i'd get ya out of my desk, ya loser!
???: hey! Apologize to her rn!
???: yeah! Shes way better then you, lily!
Lily:...wha-....what? Oh, come on, you guys!!! Look at her! She didnt even throw a punchat me, at least!Shes weak!
Jennie: the only thing thats weak, is your heart.
Jennie: C'mon, im giving you early dismissal. That bastard will have a seat but she wont have a life....
Lily: JENNIE!!! Iam. A. HUGE. fan.
Jennie: well, if you really was a HUGE fan, then you wouldnt have made my little sister cry. Come on, chiquita.

At home:
Eomma: oh~~~!!! My little baby!!! All grown up!!! I-
Chiquita: leave me alone, eomma.
Appa: chiquita, hiney, please, stop!
I ran to my room once again, crying. I finished my homework pretty quick. I calmed myself down by reading and studying.

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