Chapter 3 | Act 1

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(Vergil's POV)

The wedding of Reynolds and Alice are in a month, before that time, I'll have my core by then, honestly, my core should be done any day now...

[A few hours later]

Just one last particle and...

(3rd person POV)

As the last particles combined to a shard, the last shard went to his solar plexus and merged with all the other shards.


As the core formed, the amount of mana being expelled from his body was enough to destroy his house, and create a shockwave that could be felt for a short distance.

Thankfully, Vanessa was outside the house, after running an errand alone. And Harvey was chopping wood for their fireplace nearby. But seeing the explosion ran for their child.

(Note: Their house was outside of Valden, but near enough to where it was simply a few minutes of walking to get to the city.)

"Gil!" Vanessa and Harvey called out, running to the crater that was once her house, they augmented themselves to run faster and jumped down to Vergil.

"Ha... Please tell me I'm dreaming..." Harvey said, finding Vergil, unscathed, floating with mana covering his body.

'I finally got my core! It took a while but the wait was worth it. The trees have never looked greener.' Vergil thought to himself.

'Wait, trees?'

Vergil looked around, seeing dirt around him and his mother and father looking at him with disbelief.

'I should had expected something like this to happen.' Vergil thought, cursing himself for not thinking of any results of producing a core.

"I can't believe it... He's not even 3 yet!" Harvey said, grabbing his son and hugging him tightly in excitement and happiness at his son being okay and him producing a mana core.

"Can't... Breathe...!" Vergil managed to get out.

Harvey ended the hug and picked Vergil up and leapt out of the crater. Vanessa following close behind.

'I feel sleepy...' Vergil said, feeling drowsy.

"Dear, are you sure he's alright? He looks like he's gonna pass out!" Vanessa asked Harvey, who was holding Vergil.

"It's just a byproduct of producing a mana so young, I managed to awaken at just before my 10th birthday and slept for the whole day after." Harvey replied.

Vanessa just nodded as Vergil started to sleep.

"Let's rent an inn at Valden for a couple nights and grab whatever managed to survived in our house." Vanessa said.

"Agreed." Harvey replied, giving Vergil to Vanessa and grabbing all that survived in their house.

[A few days later]

(Harvey's POV)

Thankfully, the house got rebuilt in a few days after calling in some favours.

Vergil managed to awaken a mana core at 20 months old, it's unheard of. Even elves awaken at 8 at the least, and me managing to form a mana core a couple of days before my 10th birthday was a miracle. And the explosion the he managed to make... Mine only destroyed a room, his destroyed the whole house! It's a folktale that those that have a bigger crater when awakening would have a bigger aptitude for magic.

I plan on training him, with his potential, he'll become a great mage in the future, that I am sure of.

"Vanessa, we should keep his awakening a secret for now." I told my wife. With all the vile people in this world, no doubt would they try to capture Gil to make him their own weapon.

"I agree. It's too dangerous with all the slave traders around, even if we're near Valden." Vanessa agreed.

Good. She knew what I was thinking, I'm glad I married an adventurer sometimes.

"Now for the second thing. We should train Vergil." I said.

"What?" Vanessa replied, shocked at what I was saying.

"You heard me, we'll train him. His potential shouldn't be wasted." I told her.

"No! Absolutely not! He's not even 3 yet Harvey, he's too young!" Vanessa replied.

"He's too young to produce a mana core, yet here we are. If we can train him, even if it's not now but in the future, we can at least allow him to be active and learn from us." I reasoned, Vergil could be a powerful mage if we nudge him in the right direction.

"And we were both adventurers, hell even your family are adventurers, once he hears about us being adventurers, he might want to become an adventurer too! Wouldn't it be good for him to learn young?" I added.

"Hah... Fine. I'll allow him to be trained, but only after he's 5!" Vanessa conceded.

"I can agree on him being trained when he's older." I agreed.

"Then let's not talk about this anymore."


(Vergil's POV)

It has been a few days since I made my core, I knew that I would be more of a augmenter than a conjurer since I was a swordsman.

But I saw or felt something while I was asleep, one that I would feel many times in my past life, that feeling of something... watching. Like someone stalking me as I received my core.

It was a odd feeling, truly, but I can't do anything. If someone wanted to kill me I could do nothing as I was powerless in this flesh prison of mine. I needed to become used to this body, I don't know what that thing would want with me.


A/N: Trust me, the chapters will get longer as time goes on, once we get to stuff like fight scenes or the War arc or maybe the Xyrus arc, it'll get longer for sure. I have many planned for the future parts. And I have a love interest ready, do not worry about that, one of the more... unused love interests in this place.

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