Final Fantasy XVI

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Final Fantasy XVI, developed and published by Square Enix, is officially here, and fans are finally experiencing what many critics deem to be the best Final Fantasy game in years. While the main story will take around 35 hours to complete, completing everything the game has to offer will take upwards of 100 hours and multiple playthroughs, so dedicated players will be thrilled to know that the developers have included a New Game + option with the latest installment to the Final Fantasy franchise. Video Player is loading. One of the primary purposes almost any New Game + serves is to allow players the opportunity to continue to develop their character beyond where they ended their initial playthrough. This typically involves a character's level and abilities carrying over to subsequent playthroughs, which happens to be one of the many features of Final Fantasy XVI's New Game +. Here is everything that does and doesn't carry over to New Game + in Final Fantasy XVi, as well as all the title's Final Fantasy Mode entails.

How Final Fantasy XVI's New Game Plus WorksDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora