The Broken Glass

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This is the chapter you guys were voting on.

Background info
They are dating, and ash never talked about his family a lot, he normal would just change the topic.
He has a dad in this.

Tw: mentions of abuse, blood and a lot of cursing

It was a pretty normal morning for ash. He woke up because rotom was yelling in his ear. He said hi to all his pokemon and fed them food. He ate breakfast brushed his teeth, got changed. All he normal stuff he did.

"Ash, could you come here for a bit" kukui yells not exactly knowing where the boy was.

"Gimme a sec...., ya professor, what is it?" Ash asks.

"I wanted to let you know that your father had called me and is going to be coming over to alola for a day or two and he is going to stay here with us. I'm just letting you know because I know you are going out with gladion later, so just greet your father then you can go, okay?" Professor kukui says to ash.

Ash tensed up a little unknown to professor kukui, when he heard the professor say that his father was coming over. "..ya, I will but it will probably be short cause I don't want to keep gladion waiting ya know.." Ash says before he walks back up to his loft.

'Why does he have to come here? He never he- ugh I'll just try forget it and leave before he come' ash thought before he noticed pikachu crawl into his lap looking at him confused.

"Pika?" Pikachu says wondering why ash is so deep in thought. "Oh don't worry buddy, I'm fine it's just my dad is visiting.." Ash says, sounding kinda of sad or disappointed.

So pikachu did whatever good partner did and grab ash by his leg and tried to get him to go outside so they could play to make ash happy again.

"You want to go outside buddy? Sure!"Ash says as he lets the professor know before he and pikachu are outside in the beach.

They played a bit outside, which cheered ash up a lot, which pikachu was happy for. And he got to play with all of the other pokemon. Lycanroc, Rowlet, and everyone else.

It was all good.

"Oh shoot! I have to go get ready I have to meet gladion in 30 minutes. Come on everyone" ash says as he realised the time and began running back, to go change with all his pokemon running behind him.

Ash went and got changed into some shorts and a comfy t-shirt.

"Have you gotten ready yet ash, you have to go meet gladion in 20 minutes, and your dad is coming in about 5 minutes" kukui says walking into the living room to find ash and pikachu just watching something on the tv.

"Ya, I'm ready, I'm just watching some tv" ash says to the professor. 

5 minutes later

Ding Ding

"Oh that must be your father, I'll be right back" kukui says as he walks to the door.

Upon opening the door ash saw him, his father. He tensed up a bit upon seeing him.

"Hi Mr.Ketchum, please come in" professor kukui says leaving space for the man to enter the house.

"Oh thank professor for letting me stay here for the next few days. Hi ash, how are you?" Mr.Ketchum says, his eyes looking at ash.

"Heh..heh I'm good dad... what about you..." ash says, in an unusually scared voice.

'Hmm that's weird, I'll ask ash about that later' professor kukui thought as he noticed ash's voice.

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