'Well...' I begun, choosing my words carefully, knowing there were eyes on me from all directions, 'Firstly, Skinner's Operant Conditioning applies to John's case, considering he would be dragged into his fathers theft attempts throughout his childhood, learning that if he succeeded in stealing, he would then be rewarded with not only a physical reward but with the reward of his fathers love, which considering he would have been deprived of normal love from an early age from his mother, linking to Bowlby's Maternal Deprivation, he would have a clearly warped sense of what he is worth to people, and what he needs to do to earn the love of others. Bandura's Social Learning theory is also shown, due to John witnessing his father commit crimes from an early age, he would obviously imitate the actions, as seen in Bandura's Bobo doll experiment. These theories progressed into his adolescence and early 20's where Sutherlands Differential Association can be observed considering his social circle of criminals, where he would continue to imitate and further learn attitudes towards authorities like the police, leading into his life of crime, getting progressively more serious.'

From the look on Tara's face, I had hit the nail on the head. She took the papers in her hands and placed them on her desk. 'This, everyone, is the level I expect you to be at in preparation for the end of course exam, assuming you'd all hope to make it into the BAU...' She trailed off, making those around her question their decisions, I myself feeling glares of annoyance shot towards me for upping the standard of the class. 'I think y/n's summary did a great job at summarising todays class, so you're all free to go. Keep preparing for the end of unit exam, I will be testing your knowledge next week.'

I started to pack together my things, shooting Dr. Lewis a quick smile, knowing she tends to hang back for 10 minutes or so at the end of each class, I went to set off to her office, turning away from the front of the hall, I found the raven-haired woman from the coffee shop.

I stopped dead in my tracks, sure a flush had actually reached my face this time. I didn't expect to see her here or this soon.

I shook my head slightly trying to regain composure, and resumed my walk up the steps of the hall towards Emily, giving her an unintentionally shyer smile than our first encounter, my confidence now gone, feeling strangely vulnerable, left with an odd feeling of excitement at meeting someone new along with complete fear of what this all means.

Emily pov

Despite being in some kind of daze, I decided to shake it off; I couldn't let Tara know about this morning, she'd never stop talking about it.

I made my way towards the hall and sat at the back as to not draw attention. I noticed Tara at the very front of the room where she shot a smirk at me and shifted her eyes downwards to the woman in the front row, a woman in a red dress.

How would I be able to focus on Tara's 'star student' when I'd have such a beautiful distraction misguiding my thoughts? The answer to that question came about 30 minutes in when I was interrupted from my gaze cast upon y/n taking her possibly over organised notes, by my colleague calling y/n's name. That caught your attention Emily.

I watched as y/n explained with ease the different theories of criminality that we use as influence in the field in awe, the woman only enthralling me more with her intelligence.

The thought flashing through my mind that she could actually be fit to join my team excited me to no end, seeing her every day excited me.

Pride beamed out of me as Tara complemented the woman. I couldn't explain it but even in our slight interaction I felt some type of irresistible pull towards her; even if she wasn't mine, maybe she could be? My y/n....

A slight blush formed at the thought of our relationship progressing, but I was dragged out of my thoughts as the grumbling students filed out of the room, y/n taking slightly longer to pack up her belongings, leaving myself, Tara, and her in the hall.

I watched as she shot a quick glance and smile at Tara and turned around to leave stopping dead in her tracks as she saw me. If I wasn't so focussed on the blush creeping up on y/n's face, I would've picked up a smirk slightly rising on Tara's face but I was too caught up watching her, waiting for her next move.

Her head shook slightly as she recentered herself, clearly not expecting our meeting so soon, two strands of hair coming out from behind her ears. I could feel my hand pull up slightly, the urge to tuck the stray hair behind her ear strong, but I resisted.

She walked towards me, her leg peaking slightly out of the slit, my eyes falling quickly but picking up to her eyes to see a shy smile flash across her face, her shift in confidence not going unnoticed by either of us.

My eyes remained on the woman as she walked out, only snapping away from the door when she was definitely gone.

'So...' Tara spoke with excitement, 'How do you like y/n?'

That's a rather loaded question Tara...

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