Chapter 1

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Hi! so this is my first fic, and I'm very excited to share it. I don't know if anyone will read it but if you do, enjoy.

Emily in this fic is 45 and its based around season 15 Emily with Bangs.
Y/n is 29, predominantly femme and goes by she/her, but that being said you can always change it to match yourself.

This is a lesbian fic, so if you are uncomfortable with that, don't read?

Italics are whoevers POVs thoughts, if they get messages, or flashbacks.

Enjoy the first part!

(May 2019)

y/n pov

I'm in the last couple of months of my profiling course for the FBI (!!!!) of all places. I pull all my textbooks into my bag to get ready to go, double checking my outfit before I go, looking at the red dress I picked out. Why be boring with black and white when I could go bold? The dress code is just a suggestion anyway!

I'm about to collect my things when I get a text from Dr. Tara Lewis, my professor, and hopefully my future coworker at the Behavioural Analysis Unit after this terms up. Slow down y/n, you've not even passed your exam yet...

'Hey Y/n! Stop by my office after class, and then lunch? - Tara'

Tara and I had gotten close after she learnt about my degree in psychology, and the further ones in Philosophy, English, and my so called 'talent' in languages. Still, being asked to see my professor after class caused my anxiety to spin out.

A further buzz rang out, halting whatever tangent I had gone down.

'Don't worry y/n, you're not in trouble, stop worrying!!' Profilers...

I took a breath of relief, picked up my bag, and shouted an aimless goodbye into my apartment in hopes to reach my cat, Lola, and then began my journey to class.

Since moving around 10 months ago to be closer, it's only around 45 minutes away in rush hour traffic, so I put Taylor Swift on shuffle and pulled away into the breezy May morning, sun bathing the car.

My car was my pride and joy. While some of my friends were having kids of their own, I was spending any time I wasn't at school perfecting my beautiful cherry red 1966 Mustang convertible, gifted by my Dad. We had saved for one since I was a kid, and it is the best gift I've ever been given; the dream.

This was something else me and Tara had in common, our love for old cars was often a topic of conversation, especially if she caught me pulling into the college grounds.

Tara was always saying I'd get along with the BAU team, especially when the subject of cars was brought up, considering David Rossi was also supposedly a lover of fine cars.

Honestly, Tara's constant encouragement of me someday joining the team only spurred me along more, I just hope my expectations are realistic.

As if on auto pilot, I pulled into the outdoor car park, a lot earlier than usual, noticing I was about 20 minutes early; enough time to get a drink from the coffee shop!

Emily pov

I pulled into the college grounds finding a space, noticing an empty one next to a red mustang with white stripes. I've always found that type of car appealing, freeing even, but the job has always kept me from it, and in a departmentally sourced SUV. Am I too much of a workaholic?

Tara had asked me to the college to come view her profiling class, supposedly to scope out the possible new additions to the team; addition, Tara had been speaking highly of one student in particular, no names given however, probably to not sway my bias. Either way, this will be a fun guessing game as to who she has been so keen on for the past 10 months.

I had time, so I went to the coffee shop on campus.

When I got there, I got in line directly behind a girl in red, her hair perfectly complementing the shade. I trailed my eyes down, trying not to check her out so obviously, eyeing her long legs, further accentuated by the, still modest, thigh high slit. She wore some platform Doc Marten boots, in which I must've audibly laughed, because as I brought my eyes back up the woman, I noticed her head turned towards me, a subtle smirk playing on her lips. Shit...

As the customer in front of the girl moved aside after ordering, she stepped up and ordered a watermelon and mint iced refresher, and I found myself smiling at it, why was this so endearing?

My ears pricked up slightly as I heard her speak again, 'Actually, you can add the order of the person behind me to mine as well.'

I tried to object, but my throat went dry when she met my eyes and smiled. 'Don't refuse, please?'

In that moment, my objection dissolved as quickly as it appeared, and I cleared my throat slightly, ordering my usual coffee with Splenda, to which the young woman in front of me smiled even bigger. I smiled back in thanks, watching her only take her eyes off me whilst she tapped her card to the reader.

Everything about this woman was flawless, I don't think I had met anyone more beautiful in my life. She couldn't be older than 25, surely. Her eyes were so enticing, almost looking like a live painting; I could almost spend the rest of my life getting lost in her gaze. The way she smiled at me made electricity shoot under my skin, and despite any reservations I had around strangers, she seemed to knock every single wall away with just a smile; I wanted her to know everything about me, and I her. Her warmth and brightness already intrigued me more than I would ever admit.

We stood in silence waiting for our drinks. It wasn't an uncomfortable one as such, but I was so nervous feeling her eyes shift over to me every so often that my thumb gravitated towards my nails and started picking the skin, until a soft hand almost hesitantly pulled the hand closest to her away and stopped my hands, unconsciously out for blood as it seemed.

Her thumb stroked over the back of it briefly, causing me to lift my eyes to try and meet hers, to find her looking towards the barista's station. As if she felt eyes on her, she looked up at me and almost immediately blushed, dropping my hand but allowing it to linger, as our eyes did.

A skinny kid interrupted our gaze, causing the woman to snap her head back forward, realising our drinks were ready to-go. She stepped forward to pick up our drinks and thanked the kid, walking out of the shop with a slight nod for me to follow behind, which I did immediately.

She stopped at the wall outside the coffee shop entrance, reaching the to-go cup out to me, which I gladly took, drinking out of it immediately.

As if waiting for me to finish, she then spoke up, as if shaking off nerves, stop profiling Emily oh my god. 'I'm Y/n.' She softly smiled, encouraging me to introduce myself.

'Emily.' I returned the smile, 'You didn't have to get me this y/n,' gesturing to the coffee, 'if anything I would've bought yours.' Damn Emily okay, we chose boldness all of a sudden.

A brief spark flashed over her eyes, as she quickly fired back, 'When I see a beautiful woman, should I not pay for her drink?' Her face pulled into a slight smirk, leaving me caught off guard, lips slightly parted, and scanning my mind for a witty response, but words simply failed me, leaving me standing in front of her, not noticing the ringing of my phone from my pocket.

'You should get that Emily,' a smirk still residing proudly on her face, 'duty calls!' And with that, the woman had walked confidently away, a subtle sway in her hips.

Preoccupied by the woman walking away from me, I picked up my phone to hear Tara asking me to get to her class early so she could brief me, to which I agreed and hung up, wanting to go back to thinking about the surprising encounter with the beautiful woman that left me just moments ago.

Looking down at my coffee, I noticed some numbers scribbled on the side of the cup, and her name. I stared at it briefly, a dumb smile now sitting on my face. I am 45, and I am practically kicking my feet like a teen girl what is going on with me.



Treacherous (Emily Prentiss x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें