After retreating, you encouraged Cadichon to gather as much momentum as possible and make an exceptional leap aided by some weak rocks that rose up and made the precipice a smaller obstacle. Landing, you tipped forward and almost somersaulted, but you held on to the mule's short manes, which snorted and floundered. You galloped where you could until you reached a point where Cadichon couldn't continue. You climbed down from her and proudly patted her on the back.

''I knew you'd make it, girl. Go somewhere safe, I'll catch up with you later.'' You said and gave the mule a not-too-hard slap on the rump. ''Go, girl!''

The mule snorted, raised its stout, strong body on two legs, and galloped along a stone path leading down the hill. You looked ahead and heard several roars and a few yells as you approached. You didn't know exactly what it was, but you felt an aura growing stronger at the top of the hill. On the left side, between two sharp rocks. You weren't lost.

For a moment you swore you heard a metallic clang behind you like some gold bracelets and necklaces rattled in your neck. You turned around and saw nothing, but you heard the sound anyway. That didn't stop you from reaching your destination. The aura is getting stronger and stronger.

The stones were there, right in front of you. At the exact moment you saw them, you noticed the two figures of Johnny and Gyro lying on the ground. The adrenaline was so strong that you didn't care about them, you knew they were alive. Gyro had a superficial cut on his neck, Johnny had a bruise on his arm. You had no idea how you knew this, but you were sure about that. You also noticed that the biggest danger to them was the ever-changing aspect of their skin. Gyro's face had deformed and there was a crack in Johnny's cheek. You could see their wounds, how exhausted they were, their internal bleeding, everything. It wasn't a clear picture of their anatomy, but a feeling, a certainty.

You have arrived where you think you should be. Burning nausea overcame you as you saw a figure emerge from the sand. It didn't look human at all, but it held something important in its hand. Something that lured you there. You were far enough away that Gyro and Johnny didn't notice your presence, your legs trembled and you bit your lip to dispel the fear and doubt.

Something screeched at the edge of the hill, and you ducked out of sight. You were almost defeated by a two-foot dinosaur in that house, so you could hardly imagine what an animal the size of Diego could be capable of.

''Johnny, the eyes! Get them!'' You heard Gyro yell in a different voice. ''I'm just about to become a dinosaur!''

Eyes? So those things were two eyes? This time another absurdity wouldn't upset you, but you couldn't help grimacing. You watched them intently and pulled the carbine from your back to unlock it, preparing to use it at any moment. A sudden loud bang silenced all screams, and a harsh breeze sent Diego running toward the figure that had emerged from the sand. It was a hollow statue standing in a guardian position. The big beast caught the eyes and Johnny's frustrated cry was heard.

Why did everyone, including you, crave those eyes? Why were you so drawn to it that you had to leave your mule and wagon to look for it? This couldn't be normal, and you blamed Gyro and Johnny for it, as you were wont to do. Your body was soaked with sweat and dirt, your hair stuck uncomfortably to the skin, and gradually the intoxicating, pain-relieving effects of the herbs wore off, bringing back severe muscle pain again. Looking at those eyes in Diego's hand, you could read something around the pupils.


The word sounded like a whisper in your ear, accompanied by the same metallic clang you heard earlier. You didn't turn around, just raised the sights of your carbine to eye level and pointed it at Diego.

You didn't know why, but that shouldn't be in Diego's hands, nor Gyro's, nor Johnny's... and not in your hands either. An aura was so strong it could shake you completely. Diego couldn't have that.

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