💎DAY 13

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- DAY 13 -

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- DAY 13 -

With the previous task, I did find the hidden poets in ya'll ❤️‍🔥
Some of you should take this as a sign and continue writing more!

But ofc I had my favorite poem out of all the lovely ones
...and it belongs to Phloxessa_27 !!!🎉
Congrats!! Check 'Day 12' for your prize ~

If you have done your task but don't see any points next to your name in the 'PLAYERS & POINTS' chapter, then let me know.. I will look into it ~

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Most of you write stories here and you know how important a good, catchy title is for a story! What's a story without a name anyways?
And that brings us to today's task! Let's Name It!🔠


A piece of cake! Below are three synopses and all you have to do is create a relevant, but captivating title for each of these stories! These are published stories on Wattpad, so yes, you can take the current title as an inspiration.



The human world has fallen.

And now they are being ruled over by Dragonesians, the humanised dragons, who can reside both in their human and dragon forms.
They are vicious, cruel, monstrous and ready to devour anyone who decides to break the Dragonesian Laws. 

However, Alana Thornheart, an eighteen years old human, is not someone to back down.

When she finds out about a certain plan of the Dragonesians, she sets out to stop a revolution which could possibly destroy both humans and Dragonesians, forever, with several risks and dangers lying ahead. On top of it, the Dragonesian prince, Leon, who claims to despise the member of his own species, follows Alana suit. 

Would Alana, along with few others who are seeking justice and freedom, succeed or would they ultimately fall into a deeper abyss of darkness?

- by _abhipreeti_


Adrian Molores, a werewolf, finds out that the love of his life has been murdered. His life changes completely.

He soon finds out that more than one person is after him.. someone is after it and would even kill all his loved ones, if they must!
What will he do?

Will he risk it all or will he give in? But why? And they will do whatever they have to attain their will, Even Kill His Loved Ones!
What must he do?

- by Maisha4


WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF the world was ending? If it was just another day in school, and the apocalypse decided to come knocking at your door? When an asteroid which has long been predicted to crash into Earth finally does, it doesn't wipe out everyone, but it certainly wipes out hope. Fray Harkness and his construction class at R. Lovecraft High in Orlando, Florida are probably the most equipped to handle the end of the world compared to the rest of their school, but power tools can't stop the inevitable flooding... and there's worse to come.

The Floridian peninsula goes dark to the rest of the world. Many predict it's because the tsunamis destroyed all the power lines. Any survivors trapped in Florida, the woodshop students included, are slowly running out of resources. More land succumbs to the raging oceans every day. Earthquakes, hurricanes, storms stirred by God's own hand, furious and unforgiving. No communication with the news or with anyone in another state, another country, anywhere. Everyone outside is calling it the Dead Zone. No one knows why. And that's when the radiation comes in waves, emanating from the fallen asteroid millions of miles away, a final blessing to the last of humanity.

All across the world hapless survivors are developing strange mutations and, confused but grateful, using them to live. Fray and his friends, equipped with mutations of their own and a determination to make it out of the Dead Zone, have one goal. To escape, before the floods or the starvation kills them first.

- by wxnderland_addict


This task is worth 15 points! 5 points for each title, and you must come up with one for each synopsis. Points will be awarded on the basis of how catchy, creative/original, and relevant it turns out to be!


Check the 'NOTE' chapter

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You have 24 hours starting from now!

You have 24 hours starting from now!GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN!

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