Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 7

Start from the beginning

With a series of mechanical groans, the entire upper front wall of the complex begins to swing open, revealing the top layer of prisoners to the open air. Their screams for help can be heard by the crew below, who all gaze up toward the sound.

The Straw Hats look on in shock. "What the hell is that?" Zoro barks. 

"Are those his prisoners?!" Robin wonders. 

Sanji jumps forward. "That's not a prison--that's a torture chamber!"

Sky examines the structure. "Yes. This is Tomb Aqueous. I've never seen it in person myself, but I've heard it's nightmare."

They watch as another set of prisoners on the bottom layer are plunged into the ocean.

Nami gasps. "What the--did he just kill them?!"

Sky nods sadly. "This is not a place of punishment or purgatory. It's his own personal death row."

"That's insane!" Sanji comments, disgusted.

 Robin covers her mouth. "He's a devil..."

"Now you're really asking for it!" Luffy shouts, slamming his fists together.

Sky faces them. "Now you understand who this man is. And why we have to--"

"Sky, look!" Nami interrupts him, pointing up at the tower. 

Sky spins around and followers her finger, suddenly discovering that Lunya and Aiku are trapped in the device with the rest of the prisoners. "...Aiku! Lunya!" He screams. He runs forward, but is quickly stopped by Zoro.

"Just wait a minute!" Zoro commands. "You can't go rushing in by yourself. We have to think this through."

Sky hesitates, but soon relents and takes a step back. "You're right."

"Perhaps I can help you make a decision on that matter..." A sweet, angelic voice rings out from the border of the docks. 

The groups turns to see a young girl, about fifteen years old, hovering above the waterline next to one of the docking areas. She is clad in all white, from her thin robes, to her snowy hair, to her ghostly eyes. She is barefoot, with a pair of long silky sashes wafting in the breeze behind her back like wings. 

"A Draken!" Sky announces. 

Nami is confused. "Who, her? She's just a little girl."

Sky turns to them. "Never underestimate a Draken. It will be the last thing you do." Sky faces the Draken again. "Her name is Ga. And she is a monster. She's responsible for the deaths of hundreds of my men."

Ga floats silently, watching them with cold eyes. 

Zoro smirks and steps forward, holding the hilt of one sword. "Hm. Sounds like an interesting challenge..." Zoro narrows his eye and shifts into a fighting stance. "Head inside. I've got this."

Nami agrees. "That's right, remember the plan! You and Sanji take care of this. We have to get inside the compound."

"What?! I didn't think you were serious about that!" Zoro stammers. 

"Of course I was, now get to work so we can go!" Nami scolds. Zoro fumes.

Luffy chuckles. "You got this guys! Give'em hell!" He runs toward the entrance of the compound. The rest of the group follows.

Ga giggles softly. "No matter. You won't get far."

Nami looks back at her. "Get ready to have your ass kicked, little girl!" Ga giggles again. 

Sanji lights a cigarette and comes beside Zoro. "Look, this isn't exactly a fantasy of mine either..." He blows out his smoke and looks to the sky. "So there's only one thing we can do."

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