Morning 8:30AM....

Y/n was sitting on sofa reading the newspaper while Taehyung and Jin left for office with because they had meeting with there shareholders. Taehyung was not ready to leave Y/n alone but Y/n force him to go.

Aara came sand sat besides Y/n and gave her apple slices. Y/n eat it happily while talking with Aara.

Aara: ok then it's my free time let's watch movie. *Excited*

Y/n: ok sure but fighting one. *Excited*

Aara: yaaa you are pregnant you should watch Romantic movies. But it's ok we will watch both in one.

Aara said and select the movie.

After two hours.....

Finally the movie was done and the girls enjoyed alot. As Y/n was about to stand up she felt a slight pain her belly but she ignored it thinking it's just pregnancy cramps.

Y/n again tried to get up but this time she felt a shirp pain her her belly she felt something wet in between her legs.

Y/n: AAaaaaaaa..... Bhabi...

Aara heared her scream and ran towards her and hold her. Aara saw water on ground and she knew Y/N's water break.

Aara: ahh Y/n wait hold on take a deep breath I will prepare care wait. Aara immediately called driver and he brought car infront of there house.

Aara went upstairs to take Y/N's pregnancy bag which she prepared. She came downstairs and saw Y/n was crying badly.

She ran towards her and hold her with help of driver. They took her to there hospital which is own by

Aara sat besides Y/n who was crying badly. She pattern her head to calm her down.

Aara: shhh it ok take a deep breath everything will be alright.

She tried to console her which worked her to calm a bit.

Y/n: ahhhh bhabi I can't take it anymore it's h-hurting a-alot ahhh.*crying*

Aara: just hold down for few minutes we are near ok.

Y/n: be fast please.

Soon they reach the hospital and doctor immediately admit Y/n in labour. She was continuously crying hard which was making aara then send. It's not like she didn't go through it but she was pregnant with one kid. Here two kids are there in Y/N's case.


In Kim's Empires......

Here everyone was attending a very important meeting of there company. Taehyung and Jin was sitting besides eachother listing to the employe who was giving a presentation while was sitting infront of meeting room table.

Suddenly Taehyung's phone rang diverting everyones attention towards him. He saw Aara was calling her. He thought Y/n want anything because evertime aara call him she told him to brought healthy things for Y/n. So he SMS her 'will call you later' and kept aside his phone.

Taehyung: sorry guys for this let's continue.

Againg the meeting started but again Aara called him which make him worry. He excuse himself and took the call still sitting on his position.

Taehyung: yess bhabi what happened??

Aara: *shakey voice* t-t-taehyung....

Taehyung: *worried* what happened bhabi are you ok...

Aara: Taehyung come to hospital fast Y/n got her labour pain.

Taehyung: WHAT*scream* i-i am coming bhabi wait......

Our Journey Of LOVE // KTH FF.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें