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Next day......



Y/N: yaa tae leave me please let me get ready peacefully.

Taehyung was backhugged her. He didn't let her do her work. He get up from sleep and directly went towards her and backhugged her.

Taehyung: you smell so good baby. *Sniff her neck*

Y/N: ya tae what happened to you againg horny we literally did it last night still.

Taehyung: I can't help when my wife is this hot and beautiful. I love you. *Look in mirror*

Y/N didn't said anything.

Taehyung: yaa say it back. *Pout*

Y/N: no first leave me.

Taehyung: what if I say no.

Y/N: you know I thought to give you your I love you too and one kiss to buy *sign* it looks like you don't want it.

As soon as Y/N said he back off and stood straight which make her chuckled.

Taehyung: I left you now give me my kiss and l love you too. *Innocent smile*

Y/N: first go and get ready then you will get your reward.

Taehyung: really. *Shining eyes*

Y/N: yess now go.

Taehyung immediately took his cloths from closit and went inside the bathroom in speed of light. Y/N chuckled.

Y/N did her hairs and was about to do her and was about to apply lipstick but get intrupted by a backhugg.

She flinch hard and saw Taehyung with wet hairs ready in function cloths.

Y/N: *shock* you ready this fast.

Taehyung: yesss wify your husband is fast. Now give me my l love you too and my kiss. *Smile widely*

Y/N : ok ok.

She turn around while Taehyung look in  her eyes ready for kiss. She lean in and kissed his right cheek then his left cheek and Last peak his lips.

Y/N: l love you too my handsome man. *Smile*

Taehyung get extremely shy and look down Blushing. Everytime she says my man he get shy and blush while she enjoy his reaction.

Taehyung: I love you for infinity.

Y/N: ok I too love you hubby now shall we go.

Taehyung: yesss.

Y/N applied her lipstick and lastly look at her reflection in mirror. Taehyung stood besides her and look at himself and then her.

Taehyung: see sweetheart we look perfect together. People don't lie that we are made for each other.

Y/N gave a sweet smile to him which melt his heart. She back off and link her hands with him.

Y/N: shall we go my king. *Smile widely*

Taehyung: yess ofcourse my Queen. *Smile widely*

Y/N and Taehyung look.

Y/N and Taehyung look

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