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A whole circle of large and small rocks on the beach, sunburned red from the sky.

Yusan sat at the bottom of the cliff, supporting his chin with one hand, looking at the stones from a distance, and when he turned his gaze, he looked at the little girl who was sleeping on his lap.

The little girl probably has the habit of taking a nap, and as soon as she rests, she begins to get sleepy, and Yusang just looked at Lanlan's little head with difficulty, so he simply let her lie down and sleep on herself.

The child soon fell asleep, she slept very well, she would not move, but she might not feel safe, and her two small hands kept holding the corners of her clothes.

You Sang stared at the little girl's sleeping face for a while, his hands became more and more itchy, and in the end, he still didn't resist the urge in his heart, and his slender fingers poked out slightly...

The boy with a thin calloused finger carefully pressed the back of the little girl's fleshy hand.

One pressure pressed out a small nest!

So soft!

Yusan's eyes widened, he became bold, and after poking twice on the back of the little girl's hand, his arm began to move up...

He went to poke the little girl in the face again!

"Porphyria." The face is much more flesh than the back of the hand, and a poke is a deeper nest!

Have fun!

Yusan poked addicted, and after poking twice, he went to pinch the tip of the little girl's little nose again...

"Hmm..." probably feeling that he couldn't breathe, Lan Lan's little brows furrowed, and his mouth muttered unconsciously.

Yusan immediately withdrew his hand and pretended that he had not done anything!

Lan Lan opened her eyes in confusion, the little girl had just woken up, and she was a little tired, she rubbed her eyelids with her small hands, tried to sit up, looked at the front, and looked left and right.

The little girl looked at the big brother beside her and asked in a milky voice: "Big brother, has Lan Lan slept for a long time?"

Yusang coughed lightly: "It's okay, it's okay."
Lan looked at the big brother's straight right leg, she was a little embarrassed to red the root of her ear, and her little hand hurriedly came up to hammer the leg for the big brother!

While hammering, the little girl also said shyly: "Big brother, has Lan Lan always slept on your lap?" Are your legs sore? Lan Lan's head is very heavy, you should put Lan Lan on the ground..."

Yusan's unexplained fingertips began to itch again!

Such a well-behaved little girl, I really want to rub her face! Put her hair bald again!

"How dirty is the ground, what should you do if your eyes get into the sand when you turn back?" Yusan said casually, and while saying, he also pinched his thigh.

It is indeed a little sore, mainly to keep a movement all the time, the tendons are taut.

Lan Lan quickly continued to help the big brother beat his legs, and at the same time she looked at the big brother with a pair of big eyes, although this big brother is occasionally a little strange, but the big brother is still a very good big good person!

"Lan Lan, those stones over there, are they almost the same, I see that they are almost baked." Yusang was still more concerned about the stones, and although he didn't understand the little girl's arguments, it seemed to be quite powerful.

Lan Lan looked over there and saw that the stones were indeed sunburned red.

Lan Lan got up from the ground, and with a body of sand, she walked towards the middle of the desert.

Reaching out and touching a small stone, the scorching temperature made the little girl just touch it, and quickly retracted her little hand.

Lan Lan stared back and forth at the circle of stones, and after looking at it for a long time, she wrapped her small hands around her sleeves, grabbed the smallest stone, and ran back to the shade below the cliff.

Lan Lan handed the stone to her big brother: "Big brother, can you feel how much energy is in this stone now?" Yusang

was not afraid of the heat, and directly held the stone into his palm and probed it.

After a while, he raised his eyebrows: "There is about 0.5% trace energy, this is the kind of healing energy you are talking about?"
Lan nodded: "Yes, just because the amount is too small, we can't use it directly, we need to suck it out."

Yusan frowned: "What do you mean?" How to absorb?

"Just suck them out." Lan Lan said of course.

The little girl said, her fingertips touched the surface of the stone again, and after making sure that it was not so hot, the little girl held the stone with her right hand.

While holding the stone in her right hand, the little girl used her left hand to lift the trouser leg of her big brother, revealing the cracked wound on her big brother's ankle.

Three seconds later, Lan Lan let go of the stone, she put her right hand directly over the wound of her big brother, and when the soft palm touched the sticky blood, a seemingly innocent healing energy entered the wound.

Yusang clenched his hands into fists.

He looked at his ankles in surprise, and as a client, he could clearly feel the changes in his body.

It's like suddenly drinking a sip of hot water on a snowy day in the cold winter moon.

Or maybe jump into a cool and slippery pool on a scorching summer.

In short, that kind of refreshment, penetrates from the skin into the blood vessels, connects from the blood vessels to the brain, and finally reaches the heart.

Yusang pressed his heart, his heart beat pounding, and suddenly beat much faster than usual!

"Big brother, do you feel uncomfortable?" Lan Lan saw that the big brother covered his chest, his expression changed greatly, thinking that her energy transmission made the big brother uncomfortable, and she immediately released the big brother's ankle.

"Don't let it go!" Yusang held the little girl's hand, and he pressed the little girl's palm on his wound, but because he was too hard, the wound was squeezed out of a large pool of blood.

The inconspicuous pain made Yusang return to his senses slightly, and the force that restrained the little girl's wrist also quickly relaxed...

"Oh, big brother, what are you doing!" Lan Lan looked at the blood that came out, and quickly took out the torn clothes from his small backpack and wiped the blood for his big brother.

You Sang looked at the little girl busy, but he frowned: "Just now, what did you do?"
Lan wiped the blood while saying seriously: "Lan Lan sucked out the trace energy from the stone, and then transmitted it to the big brother's wound, because these trace elements are too little, if not artificially absorbed, it is useless, like big brother you said before, grinding the stone into stone powder, this is not okay, there is no medicinal effect!" Yusang

: "..." You

Sang looked at the little girl in front of him stunnedly: "Can't it be ground into powder, absorb it, and then transmit it to me, just do it?"

Lan Lan was stunned, and then nodded: "Okay, this is okay." Yusang

: "..."
Even if
Yusang is a scumbag, he still knows basic medical common sense.

The human body seems to be a non-energy transmitter, right?

Interstellar people generally use healing energy to absorb!

To use the simplest analogy, the medical treatment cabin.

If interstellar people are injured, or have any disease, they prefer to use the treatment cabin treatment, the principle of the treatment cabin, in fact, is to fill the treatment agent into the cabin, when people lie in, it is like being in an environment wrapped in therapeutic energy, people's spiritual power will naturally absorb these energy, after the spiritual power grows, excess energy will enter the human neurovascular, Begin to heal other organs or wounds in the body.

The treatment cabin cannot instill therapeutic energy into the human body, but the tools to pour energy into the human body do exist.

That's called an energy transmitter.

Some people with relatively weak mental power, such as E-level ability, F-level ability or something, because their mental power is too poor, even if they lie in the treatment cabin with abundant therapeutic energy, the speed of energy absorption will be very slow, so when their lives are in danger, doctors will directly choose to use energy transmitters for them.

The energy transmitter is a compression device, one end is filled with a therapeutic agent, the middle pipe is liquid compression, and when the therapeutic energy is compressed and extracted from the therapeutic agent, the energy will be released from the needle at the other end, at this time, as long as the needle is inserted into the patient's blood vessels, the energy is forcibly transported into the patient's body.

Yusan looked down at the little girl's blood-stained little hands.

Lan Lan didn't have any energy transmission tools in her hands at all, how could she possibly transmit any energy into his body?!

The human body itself cannot conduct energy in this way!

[What did Lan Lan just say?] She said she sucked a trace of energy out of the stone and then teleported it into Yusan's wound? This...... This...... Although I like blue and blue, it's really.

】 [It's just a child's words, why do you still take it seriously?] This is obviously a joke.

[I now think that Lan Lan is a little fond of lying, she really said a lot of ridiculous things, obviously it is false, but she is serious, she says it like it's true, once or twice she will feel that this kind of fairy tale is cute, like telling a story, but too many times, I really don't feel very likable......】


"What doesn't attract people! How is my granddaughter not liked! Dean Crowe looked at the barrage floating on the big screen, and the old man who had not rushed the waves on the Internet for more than ten years registered an account in anger, and immediately sent a barrage.

——[I am Lan Lan's grandfather, Lan Lan is a good boy, you are not allowed to talk about her! ]

Just after sending one, Dean Crowe still wanted to send a second, the communicator at hand rang, raised the light brain to see——

Dean Crowe felt a sigh in his heart, wouldn't it be that he secretly called the communication to the Death Star and was discovered?

With a light cough, Dean Crowe still pressed the switch.

A few minutes later, Dean Crowe listened to the words of Marshal Ye and laughed: "The human body can absorb energy through mental power, but it is impossible to transmit energy, that requires professional instruments to do it, the human body itself is a non-transmitting body." Capital

Star, inside the Ye Family Villa.

Marshal Ye leaned back slightly, and he pressed his back into the soft sofa back.

Marshal Ye felt that he was indeed a little stunned.

When he received the feedback from the prince silently, confirming that the alienated source nucleus of the dense forest was really temporarily sealed, he began to have unrealistic fantasies about the abilities of this little girl called Lanlan.

This time in Hengsha Stone Forest, Lan Lan said that she had discovered a new use of dark matter, almost from the time she said it, and in the next few hours, Marshal Ye stared at the live broadcast room for a moment, without slackening.

Even if the little girl went to sleep, even if no one spoke on the screen, he still stared closely, not daring to let go of the slightest clue.

Whether the energy could be transmitted through the human body, Marshal Ye knew that it was impossible, but he still called Dean Crowe of the Scientific Research Park to ask for confirmation.

Maybe that's really the case? Perhaps there is such a precedent in the medical community?

However, now Dean Crowe firmly denied it...

Yes, the human body is not a transmission body, such simple common sense, why does he have illusions?

If a person can absorb and transmit energy out of thin air, then this... Is it still human?

What is transmission, there is transmission and loss.

Imagine a person who can transfer energy into someone else's body at will.

Can she also suck other people's energy from other people's bodies?

If, when facing the enemy, touching the other party sucks away the energy in the opponent's body, so that the other party has no ability to resist instantly, then this... Isn't it ridiculous?

This is not something that humans can do at all!

This goes against the laws of nature!

After being silent for a long time, Marshal Ye spoke up again: "But You Sang did react just now..."

Speaking of this, Marshal Ye realized that he did not mention the premise, a professional medical professor like Dean Crowe, who should not usually watch a violent competition show like "Deadly Training Ground".

Marshal Ye said: "If Dean Crowe is not busy now, you can watch "Deadly Training Ground", enter the 3S player, and Yusang's live broadcast..."

"I know, I'm watching." Dean Crowe's voice came from the other end.

Marshal Ye was stunned, and thought that it was estimated that it was because Lan Lan had mentioned dark matter before, so the scientific research park received the wind and was also staring.

Marshal Ye immediately asked Dean Crowe what he thought of Yusang's reaction just now, which seemed to be hit by something for a moment.

Dean Crowe said helplessly: "First of all, through the screen, we can't be sure if he really reacts or is just acting, after all, this "Deadly Training Ground" is still a live broadcast program after all, I know that the essential purpose of many players participating in "Training Ground" is to become famous.

"Medicine is rigorous, and we don't interpret someone's reaction out of thin air until it's backed by the other person's exact physical data."

"Secondly, even if he really reacts and thinks that he was healed in an instant, frankly, I am more inclined to it, is this a psychological effect, 0.5% healing energy, do you really think you can detect the existence of such energy?" A bottle of the cheapest healing potion can contain 50% healing energy.

"Marshal Ye, the human body is a non-transmitting body, this premise is 100% absolute, there are no special cases, you must be clear."

Marshal Ye took a deep breath, Dean Crowe's words had been made clear to this point, and he didn't know what else to say for a while.

But at this moment, Dean Crowe over there said again: "However, Marshal Ye, do you have an account in the live broadcast room?"
Ye was stunned: "Account number?

"Yes, since you are also watching the live broadcast, can I trouble you to send a clockwork barrage?"

Marshal Ye's expression became serious for a moment, could it be that someone in the barrage mentioned remarks related to dark matter, or human energy transmission, Dean Crowe wanted to send a barrage to ask, but he didn't have an account?

Marshal Ye turned off the barrage function, he immediately turned it on, looking at the text full of screens, he clicked on the input window: "What to send, you say."
Crowe said: "Just post, 'Blue and blue rushing duck, grandpa will always love you', and finally add a little red heart, I didn't find where the expression of that little red heart was, but I saw that everyone else had it."
Marshal Ye: "..." Marshal

Ye: "?????
Ye was silent for a few seconds, and then subtly raised his left hand and looked at his light brain screen.

[Talking to "Dean Hubert Crowe"] twelve words, shocking.

There was no mistake.

Opposite is Dean Hubert Crowe...

"Did you send it?" Dean Crowe didn't hear Marshal Ye's response for a long time, and urged slightly.

Marshal Ye: "..."
Ye closed his eyes, and finally entered such a line of words in the input box.

Then he heard Dean Crowe say excitedly: "I saw it, I saw the barrage you sent Marshal Ye!" I gave you a thumbs up!
Ye: "..."

"Big brother, why don't you talk?" The little girl's puzzled voice suddenly came from the live broadcast screen.

Marshal Ye came back to his senses and immediately listened to the little girl with full attention.

You Sang looked at the little girl in front of him blankly, he didn't believe what Lan Lan said, transmitting energy to him, people are non-transmitting bodies, and there is no such function at all.

But the feeling of comfort to the extreme just now is especially real.

"Lan Lan, you honestly tell me, what the hell did you do to me?" Yusan asked with a serious expression.

The four-year-old girl scratched her head, her expression a little stunned: "Ah, didn't Lan Lan already say it just now?"

"Alas." You Sang was helpless: "Don't lie, children can't lie."
Lan: "..." Lan Lan was anxious: "Lan Lan, Lan
Lan didn't lie..."

"I know, do you have some little technology hidden in your sleeve, you NPCs are really cunning, are you trying to lie to me?" I won't be fooled!
Lan: "..."
Lan didn't know how to explain it to her big brother, why did her big brother start saying strange things again.

At the same time, the headquarters building of Yaxing's "Deadly Training Ground".

"Wow!" Li Wei violently burst into a foul word, a violent fist, and smashed a punch on the rising laser elevator.

The elevator shook instantly, and Zhou Hong, who was standing behind, stumbled a little, and finally stood firm.

Several of his subordinates looked at each other, and Zhou Hongcai had the courage to ask: "Boss, what's wrong, what's wrong?" The

frosty man did not answer, but the cold air of his whole body confirmed that he was in a bad mood now!

Aren't you in a bad mood? His precious daughter even blew herself up with such a secret as energy transmission!

This makes him turn back!

At this moment, the elevator also reached the top floor.

There were other people outside the elevator, the elevator door opened, and the people waiting for the elevator outside did not react, and saw a rush of wind rushing out, mixed with violent murderous aura, the fleeting figure, directly walked to the office of the general person in charge at the end of the floor.

With a loud "bang", the general manager of the "Deadly Training Ground" who was dealing with official affairs, before he could react, he was suddenly picked up from the office chair by a fierce big palm.

The general person in charge was stunned, looked up, and saw a murderous handsome face, and he was immediately shocked: "Violent Tyranny God... Why are you here?

"Hide, why don't you hide today!" Li Wei threw the person in charge back on the office chair, and the wheel of the office chair slid back a few steps and hit the bookshelf behind it.

Li Wei took a step forward, and the black military boots stepped directly on the chair of the person in charge, and his voice was cold: "Get my daughter out!" Right now! Immediately! Hear no! The

chief is going to cry!

In the past few days, as soon as he heard that the violent god came to the headquarters, he slipped through the back door, and today somehow, the violent god came and no one reported, so that he was blocked: "Violent god, this is really not something I can do alone, how complicated the intermingling forces are, you are clear."

"I don't know! I just want my daughter! "Fierce men are not reasonable at all!

The chief person in charge thought for two seconds, and he directly raised his head, revealing his shrunken neck: "You kill me."

Li Wei: "..." The

chief person in charge wanted to cry without tears: "Offending you is death, offending them is also death, I am a small person in charge caught in the middle, what can I do?" If you really want to find someone to get angry, you can kill me..." Li Wei: "..."

At this moment, in the holographic background of the live broadcast room,
Li Wei suddenly heard Yusang's voice: "Okay, good, if you say that you can transmit energy, then you can pass it to me again."

Then, it was Lan Lan's voice: "Okay then..."

Li Wei couldn't care about the person in charge anymore, he touched the light brain, and the live broadcast screen reappeared in the holographic glasses.

I saw the little girl who was dangling leisurely, running into the desert, wrapping her little hand with her sleeve, and picked up a stone back.

When the stone is no longer hot, she holds the stone in her small hand, and then after a second, releases the stone.

You Sang had a smile that saw through everything: "Finished absorbing? I'll check and check, well, there is really no trace of energy in the stone, this is normal, you use mental power to absorb it, right, you little little can absorb itIt's quite fast, big brother estimates, you are at least an S-level ability, you can test your ability for the first time at the age of fifteen, you work hard, practice more, maybe you can be detected by then 2S ability.

The little girl didn't seem to know much about testing ability, she looked dumbfounded, but still nodded her head in amusement: "Oh, okay, Lan Lan will work hard."

Although his expression looked like he didn't know what he was going to work on...

"Okay, you send energy to me." Yusan opened his arms and put on a casual little girl's appearance.

Lan Lan looked around at the big brother, then looked at the big brother's bleeding ankle again, and put his little hand on it.

The next second...

Yusan: "..." Yusan

: "! It

was that feeling of being refreshed to the extreme again!!!

At the same time, Yusang realized that it may be that this stone had more trace energy than the previous one, and Yusang felt that his ankle bones were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Wow!" Shocked, Yusan picked up his leg, put it under his nose, and went to the death to check his injuries.

After checking out...

Yusan: "..." Putting

down his feet, the teenager looked at the innocent look beside him, two small hands were stirring together, and the expression was confused.

After a long, long silence, Yusang finally found his voice: "I always thought that even if my grades in liberal arts were poor, I still had common sense, but now I find that I don't even understand common sense?"

"The world is getting too fast, only I am standing still..."

You Sang muttered two words to himself, and then he suddenly looked at Lan Lan next to him and said seriously: "Sister Lan, you will be developed in the future, but don't forget my half-brother, okay!"

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