Ch. 28 - Kill the Beast

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Ardaik 18th - Tulot, Serellia

"Ya caun't be serious!" balked Moyra as she chased after Liam. "I caun't believe you're even considerin' keepin' that brute under the castle!"

"You know what they say, Love," Liam replied solemnly, "Keep your enemies close."

Flann followed behind both of his parents but kept his distance. He understood his father's thinking; at least, he thought he did. Auganull had been a terror for them, but they had dragons to combat him, and the aid of a Citadel mage. While the responsibility of playing host to his imprisonment was a heavy one, who else had the ability or, more importantly, the desire to do so?

"Yer Majesty," Iain interjected from where he trailed behind Flann, "It's goin' to be a bear just keepin' folks away. I heard Spar's already had to place twelve of the guard under arrest, an a few have already been sent to the infirmary fer injuries, either from the beastie himself or from the damned townspeople!"

"I say he's the Citadel's problem!" Moyra said. "They want em' alive, then let them be responsible for 'em!"

"Aye, and I made sure ta make that abundantly clear ta the high cleric." Liam's tone strained in a way with Moyra that it did with no one else. "Lady Yuli's going to take full charge of Auganull while he's here and move him as soon as arrangements are made."

"An' how long'al that be? Hm?" Moyra pressed, as she crossed her arms. "Long enough for that necromancer ta come looking for his pet?"

"Yer counting on seeds that have yet ta sprout, Love. If the necromancer sets his sight on the north, he'll not have an easy fight, and his dragon could be a fair bargaining chip," Liam's confidence was infectious, but there was a hint of reservation even in the king's face as he looked into his queen's eyes before turning to Flann. "Besides, we have more than one giant dragon now... Kamuhr arrived, and with Rowan, no less. Their aid with detaining Auganull will surely ease everyone's nerves," Liam suggested.

"Row brought the white dragon? Hah! I knew he wasn't no traitor!" Flann laughed with relief.

"Is it wise ta be assumin' she'll even stay, though?" Iain questioned. "And De Saint-Pierre's boy... Sure, he arrived with 'er, but they weren't involved in bringin' her down, and Lorellian's aren't exactly known fer their grit. If she has bonded with the boy, we'd need his assurance that we'll have his cooperation."

"Then Flann will secure them to our cause! And while he does, assign some additional men to see that Auganull lives for as long as the high cleric has use for him. I won't be making an enemy of the Citadel, not with a necromancer out there somewhere."

"Wise," Iain hummed. "I'll see to it, Yer Majesty."

"Aye, Da, I'll go convince 'em!" Flann couldn't imagine that it would be a difficult task, after all that he and Rowan had been through together and sharing a common enemy in Auganull, he was sure that his friend would aid their cause.


Rowan wasn't hard to find, partly because the white dragon wasn't hard to find—perched on one of the rolling green hills overlooking the scorched fields just outside the city. As Flann trotted his horse out to join them, it was impossible not to notice the chaotic scene that had developed down in the fields.

Just as Lord McLiannen had said, Flann could see the army of soldiers that had been deployed to control the mob that had formed around the downed ancient dragon.

Common citizens had come with everything from the tools of their home and trade, to branches hefty enough to serve as clubs. Their cries of ridicule towards the men tasked with protecting him for now, clashed with the rhythmic, ringing smack of metal. Blacksmiths were working on-site to combine links, while a third seemed to be working at a mad pace to convert several bilge hoops into an iron muzzle.

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