(Re)-initiation part 1

Start from the beginning

Ozpin: Here's a deal, you do initiation on your own, you pass that you will study for a year here and afterwards I'll issue a huntsmen license for you.

Six: See now that's better.

Ozpin: So what will it be

Six: *thoughts* My identity is now known, hiding is out of the window, I don't particularly feel like being chased by authorities. Eh might as well take the offer but add a few bits of my own.

Six: Before I accept to rejoin I have conditions of my own deny one and the deal is off.

Glynda: You can't just-

Six: Hush, the adults are talking.

Glynda just scowls at Six. In the past he would have buckled under her glare but now he glares at her making her feel uncomfortable.

Ozpin: And what are these conditions?

Six: I get my own dorm, can bring my dog Rex here, have a dedicated area in the workshop, and six months instead of a year. These are my conditions nothing unreasonable.

Ozpin: 9 months.

Six: 7 and a half.

Ozpin: Fine. I accept these conditions.

Six: Then the deal I take. Now when is initiation?

Ozpin: Tomorrow it will the same as the first one but you are on your own.

Six: Cool.

Yang : You sound way too confident in yourself Vomit-boy.

Six: Whatever at least my chest doesn't give me back problems. Listen when you go to a place overrun by giant lizards armed with nothin' but a varmint Rifle and run away with your life everything tends to seem less scary. Now if you'll excuse me I got a helmet to fix and weapons to check.

Timeskip morning

Six is seen at the cliff with his helmet fixed under his one arm while he's having a sip of early morning whiskey.

Glynda: Great now there's two alcoholics I know.

Six: This is the first sip I have had of alcohol in a week. So if you would be so kind as please shut the fuck up.

Ozpin: You know the rules minus the teams part.

Six: Yes, now launch me! Send me to Valhalla!

Six is launched as Ozpin makes a remark.

Ozpin: Forgot to tell that he will be televised to the rest of the academy. Oh well.

Six is seen flying through the air at the arc of his flight he spots a deep enough pond. Using his duster as a  makeshift wingsuit he heads to it. As he get closer he sees a Grimm near it. He lands in the water and is under it for 2 minutes.

At The Beacon auditorium

The room was filled with murmurs of students speaking about the faker returning. Many were placing bets against him while Nora and surprisingly Ren were betting on Six passing easily. Team RWBY were involved in their own conversation.

Blake: He's been under for two minutes.

Yang: Probably died when he hit the water.

Weiss: He aimed for the water so he might know something we don't. I still hate him.

Ruby: He was drinking before being launched.

They look back at the screen as a lone Beowolf comes to the waters edge to investigate the sound it heard earlier not noticing the shadow in the water slowly moving to it. Soon Six lunges out and stabs Blood-nap under its jaw and immediately pulls it out and slits its throat. The Beowolf collapses not even knowing it was attacked.Six now removes the rebreather from around his mouth and makes eye contact with the camera looking at him. He points Blood-nap at the camera before turning away and heading to the objective.

The room falls silent as everyone stares at the screen in shock of the gruesome attack the Grimm suffered.

Random student1: What just happened?

RS2: That Grimm didn't have time to react.

Weiss What

Blake: The

Ruby: Fuck.

Yang: Gasp Ruby did you just swear?

Ruby: like you wouldn't have.

The sisters now start arguing while Weiss and Blake stare at the screen.

Chapter end
A/N: Here you lovely readers go. I made Jaune or Six here barter with Ozzie instead of the usual take the offer right off the bat. Should I keep calling him Six? Should I call him Jaune? Side note my ADHD has been in overdrive lately and my potato of a computer refuses to cooperate. Here's an image of everything at the moment.

 Here's an image of everything at the moment

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