Chapter 1

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I was late. So very late.

"You better run Reed!" The guy yelled, laughing as I escaped the alleyway. Alex Myers: a kid I used to go to school with and the biggest jerk I know.

I was innocently walking down the road when him and his buddies found me. Just my luck, right? It's fortunate that I'm quick, so they didn't feel like giving chase.

My chest was heaving by the time I got to my destination, but I ignored it in favour of greeting the group of people gathered in front of me.

"Uh hi, sorry I'm late." I greeted unceremoniously, awkwardly smiling at all of the stares directed towards me.

The group consisted of an older man and a bunch of people who looked fresh out of high school. The man stepped forward, an oddly warm smile on his face, "Can I help you kid?" I frowned at the patronising nickname.

"I'm here for the internship. The flyers said the application day was today." I stated and I hated the look of surprise on his face.

"Okay, right. Of course! We can discuss.. this.. more after the tour. I'm Captain Bobby Nash and welcome to the 118." His introduction was well-practiced and I wouldn't be surprised if he had said it a hundred times before.

I only nodded in reply, choosing to ignore the surprise in his tone and body language. Honestly, could I not catch a break around here?

The group of people turned their noses up at me, glaring meanly. I gave them a sarcastic smile and a wave when I saw the captain's back was turned.

We spent the next half an hour getting a tour of the main parts of the station, avoiding the upstairs lounge where I presume his team of firefighters were. I couldn't deny the place was cool and, if I managed to get the internship, I would be more than happy to spend my days here.

Besides, an internship can't be that hard. I'd probably have to make some coffees and help them with paperwork, which was easy enough for me to handle.

Now, we had a short period of time to look around the firetrucks and the ambulances.

Wisely, I had chosen to steer clear of my fellow candidates and opted to look at the firetruck off to the side of everything else. I glanced around, seeing nobody watching me, and opened up the door.

There were a number of seats back here and a bunch of other things I probably shouldn't be touching. It didn't stop my curiosity from shining through and I opted for climbing inside.

My hands gently picked up a headset and I turned it over in my hand, thinking about the myriad of conversations held in this one object.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you curiosity killed the cat?" The voice made me jump and my eyes darted to the man stood by the door.

His words registered in my head a second later, my mind clearly lagging behind from the surprise. "Wasn't it satisfaction that brought it back?" I answered, watching his lips quirk up in a smile.

A short chuckle and then he was climbing in to sit beside me. He outstretched his hand and I paused, nervously shaking it after a moment.

"Eddie Diaz."

"Cooper Reed."

Our introductions were short and not all that sweet, but the firefighter was being friendly. He carried a warm, paternal sort of feel to him and I would hazard a guess to say he had experience with young kids.

"How'd you get the black eye?" He gestured to my face and I awkwardly pressed a few fingers to it, flinching at the sting. "Walked into a pole." I lied easily.

From Intern to Family | 9-1-1 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now