Act 1

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It's 2014. My cousin Benvolio and a servant named Abram were walking through the streets of Verona, but before we begin my story, let me fill you in. My name is Romeo Montague. I am 18 years old and live among a royal family known as the Montagues. We are not actually royal; we are just well known throughout Verona. We are pretty much allowed to associate ourselves with anyone, except the OTHER family known as the Capulets. Apparently, we have been at each other's throats since for centuries now. I mean, it's not just a simple shoulder bump. We actually kill each other if things go far enough. I am personally not one for fighting like everyone else is. I try to stay away as far from that as possible. In fact, I am the complete opposite. I prefer finding the love of my life. I think I found her, only I'm not sure. Her name is Rosaline. She has beautiful brown hair and amazing brown eyes. I am absolutely crazy for her. She is perfect in every way, except she won't love me back. There's a rumor going around that she has sworn a life of chastity. Basically, she won't have sexual relations with anyone. In this day and age, I didn't even think that was possible. Somehow, I think she's lying and just doesn't want to be with me, but I'm still determined to break down her wall. Anyways, while I was on the beach, there was a big fight about to break out in the town. Abram and Benvolio were minding their own business when two Capulets encountered them. I knew exactly that a fight would break out the moment I knew who it was. It was Sampson and Gregory Capulet. They're the kind that would start a fight just to see what would happen. The two of them were bad mouthing my family by saying how many men they could beat of Montagues, and how many women of our house they could have sex with. Benvolio and Abram pretended not to hear, but things escalated when Sampson gave the finger to them. Benvolio immediately drew his switchblade and pointed it at Sampson and Greg. Unfortunately, Tybalt Capulet was there and thought Benvolio was trying to start the fight. Benvolio explained he was trying to keep the peace. Tybalt wouldn't hear it. He wanted to fight because he hated our family even more than Sampson and Greg. That's when Benvolio and and Tybalt clashed and started getting really violent. Others joined in the fight until the street was pretty much a warzone. Mom and dad eventually came to the fight as well as Lady Capulet and her husband.
"That's enough," shouted my father. He grabbed Benvolio and threw him to the side, likewise as Capulet did with Tybalt.
"What the hell," said Tybalt frustrated. "That idiot started it!"
"I told you I didn't want to start any of this," shot back Benvolio.
A police cruiser pulled up right after they were split and two officers stepped out.
They both glared at the scene and gave a deep sigh.
"Why am I not surprised to see you two delinquents at it again," one of them said angrily.
"Officer, we can explain," replied Lady Capulet.
"No need to," replied the officer abruptly cutting her off. "You two families have had more conflicts than Attila the Hun. No more leeway, no more bails, this is the last time I want to see any of you fighting again! The next time we catch a Montague-Capulet clash, the consequences will be severe. We're going to write this off as a false alarm, but next time, someone is going to get it!"
"We understand," replied mom. "We have told the boys time and time to not fight, but they insist on it."
"Well, you'd better do a better job if they don't want to go to jail," replied the officer as he climbed into his cruiser. As the officers sped off, Mom and dad turned to Benvolio.
"Where's your cousin," asked dad.
"He's probably sulking by the beach," replied Benvolio turning his head.
"Would you mind talking to him," asked mom with a worried look. "The poor boy stays trapped all day in his room with the blinds down so he can hide the sunlight. He doesn't talk to us much about anything."
"Sure I can, Auntie Montague," he said with a smile.
He then hopped in his Maserati and took off to see me.

It wasn't long until I heard his engine revs pull up at the beach with his music blasting. He shut off his car and climbed out of his car. Since the roof was down, opening the car doors were unnecessary.
"Hey Romeo," he said enthusiastically. "You missed the fight. It was epic!"
He then explained what I did in the last paragraph.
"Benvolio," I started saying, but had trouble finishing my sentence. "I...can't get Rosaline out of my head. Every time I close my eyes, I see her. I can't focus on anything else. Not school, not life, just Rosaline."
"Have you actually done anything with her," asked Benvolio puzzled trying to understand my feelings.
"I've talked to her a few times and did dinner once with her," I replied half-heartedly.
"That's it...?"
"What's wrong? I have strong feelings for her..."
"The way you're's as if you guys dated for years and then broke up. You two haven't even dated. You know what your problem is? You're too soft at heart. You have to learn to man up and face the facts that not every girl you 'love' will like you back. Besides, if Rosaline wants to stay a virgin her life, let her. I'll show you that there's more to life than just Rosaline."
"Yeah, right," I scoffed. I got up and headed for my Lamborghini I had parked just up the street. Benvolio refused to leave me alone, so he ended up going for a ride with me.

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