Powers and Abilities

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The Force: Has a strong conection to the force. Even as a child, was already exceptionally powerful in the Force, with immense potential that would have allowed him to become one of the most powerful Force-users of all time. His power proved great enough to impress the rest of the council enough that he, believing that he had the potential too alongside, Skywalker and when at the height of his abilities. Even Sidious himself acknowledged that your strength in the Force could possibly rival his own.

Force Push: Skills with telekinesis were considerable, and he often cleared entire hallways and rooms with powerful Force pushes.

Force Deflection: He was more than capable of aptly deflecting blaster bolts by imbuing his free hand with the Force whenever he could not rely on his Lightsaber to protect him. The most prominent display of his outstanding skills in using the Force for defensive purposes was shown when he was even capable of absorbing the lightning of Count Dooku, although not without immense effort, and redirecting it back at the Sith Lord.

Force Repulse: Can create powerful Force repulses And hurl his enemies and other objects far away and he often cleared entire hallways and rooms

Force Pull: Can draw objects, people and other creatures closer to him from a small and larger distance.

Force Vision: You can see the future, past and present.

Force Sense: Able to feel other people's or creatures's feelings happiness, fear and pain ect.

Force Speed: This ability allows to increase his speed for a brief time.

Force Stasis: Can telekinetically restrain and immobilize people or to halt objects. Also used it to traverse landscapes by freezing fast-moving platforms.

Psychometry: (also known as Sense Echo) was the Force ability of acquiring information about people or events associated with an object solely by touching it. Whoever used that ability received input from sight, sound, and emotions. Psychometry was not a power that could be achieved through careful cultivation, as only those that were born with the power could use it.


Lightsaber Skills: Like all Jedi trained in lightsaber combat. His skills allowed him to hold his own against Imperial Inquisitors and defeat their Purge Troopers, as engaging in many vicious duels making him an exceptionally skilled lightsaber duelist.

° Form IV: Skilled in Ataru

° Form VI: Skilled in Niman. Fight with Double-bladed lightsaber (lightsaber staf)

° Jar'Kai: Fight with two lightsabers one for the route and the other for the defense.

Multilingualism: He can understand multiple languages at once.

Skilled Engineer: Also a skilled mechanic and was able to repair and modify machinery as well and make repairs to his master's damaged lightsaber.

Acrobatics/Free-running: Like all Jedi training made him highly athletic beyond the limits of normal beings, which he used to traverse difficult terrain and overpower various enemies with ease.


Love Interest: (You decide)

A/N: Additional info, this isn't a harem so you're literally going to pick a Honkai Waifu as a love Interest. So this is voting pull~ fufufu~

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