7.step1 pick up the pieces

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Y/ns pov
I quickly jumped out of bed to the sound of my phone going of, It was the group chat I wanted to read it but eyes hurt from crying last night so I put my phone on dnd and placed my head back down hoping to get a few more minutes of sleep before Younsoon came over. Slowly closing my eyes everything thing went black and I slowly fell asleep.

What type of outfits are you gonna wear to the fanmeet

Savage queen 💋
Her and Soonie are probably gonna match


Oh god not agin

She's probably sleeping let's leave her alone okay 😎


Bestie needs a cuddle buddy should I give her one 😎

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Bestie needs a cuddle buddy should I give her one 😎

❤️23k 💬15k

Hearts4Lix yall Anit finna talk about how he's on her phone ☠️

Hearts4channie yes she looks so cute 😻

Live4sunoo at this point you should just jump on her


Iatehanshair yes give her the cuddles she craves 😚😚

Sugar_daddy4_sale1237 get next to her and just jump on her💀

Not_gay_just_good_taste give her cuddles or die 👹👹

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Y/ns pov
I felt hands snake around my waist pulling me closer I knew it was Younson as he has a key to my house because he's my best friend. It might sound wired but cuddling is sorta our love language like we can tell when something wrongs just by the way the other person cuddles.  I turned over putting my head into his neck snuggling closer. Younsoon and I have always had a touchy relationship we've been friends since we were both little kids so it's no surprise we grew touchy and it's never wired cuz he's gay and I'm not even a inch attracted to him.  Not calling him ugly or anything cuz Younsoon is not ugly he's a very good looking boy. Younsoon is a Japanese boy with a dark light tanish skin color he's got almond shaped eyes that are hazle/green, he's got long hair not too long but it goes down to his shoulder in a wolf cut kinda hair look. His hair is shiney jet black with pink at the ends and a very cute grey at the bangs. One look at Soonie and you could tell he was fruity just look at him walk you'll get the jist. Soonies adorable he's got chubby cheeks with a small button nose and an adorable gummy smile. I remember the first day he laughed after he grew into his smile it was like an angel had blessed me with such a sight. To me soonies a big baby in a grown ups body with a good heart. Soonies my best friend and always will be I love Soonie like a brother he's my everything don't know what or we're I'd be with out him.

Time skip few hours later

Y/ns still asleep 🙄

Are y'all still cuddling 💀

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