"Sorry", she apologized and shifted back into an Elf. "Sorry, sorry. I didn't... I'm sorry", she mumbled on and turned away. "Just go. Go", she waved him away. The next time she looked, he was gone. Andy nodded in approvement. "Blondie learned to tip-toe. "

With a satisfied grin, Andy pulled the keys out of her sleeve. "Mission report, step one accomplished. "

Going through the keys she found the one that opened her cell. Turning back into a Hobbit, Andy snuck up the dungeon, looking for the dwarves. Andy hid in the shadows, as she suddenly heard voices. Listening closer, she tried to find out who was speaking. It sounded like Tauriel but she wasn't talking to a guard, otherwise she would be using Sindarin. And she didn't sound like she was giving orders. Then Andy picked up Kilis voice answering her. Not believing her ears, Andy peaked around the corner, spotting Tauriel sitting on the stairs next to Kilis cell, listening to his stories. Her chin dropped. She would never have guessed this outcome! Steps above her head made her freeze again. They were quiet and subtle. Andy closed her eyes and listened closer. Light armor, at least one blade in a case, gentle brushing of hair over shoulders. Teeth gritting, quiet snort and steps leaving again. Well, that lead to no conclusion at all, Andy noticed. But as the steps were gone, she relaxed a little. Now, she had to wait for the right moment. The singing and feasting from above tempted her, to sneak up and watch from afar. She used to love Mereth Nuin Giliath. On the feast of Starlight, she danced her heart away, singing the songs from the top of her lungs. It was one of the few nights, she let herself be distracted from everything. And that distraction was exactly, what she needed at the moment. Tauriel left the dungeons, to attend at the feast. Andy waited a few minutes longer, to make sure no one was around. Then she slipped out of the shadow. Spying into the first, Andy spotted Bofur.

"Bofur", she whispered, making his head snap up. As he saw her crouching before his cell, his face lit up and he jumped from the ground.

"Andy!", he called exited, alarming the rest of the company. Instantly they all rushed to the bars, trying to catch a glimpse of her. They started shouting about, calling her name and giving the message on, to those higher up.

"Guys, be quiet", Andy shushed them. "I can't get you out, if we get discovered. I'll be around in a moment. "

She opened Bofur's cell and immediately landed in a bone crushing hug. After he let her go, she gave him half of the keys and spit up. At last, they got to the top cell, holding Thorin. The eager energy of the dwarves caught on to Andy, so she first didn't realize, that Thorin didn't get up as she opened the door.

"Thorin, come on", she said, a smile on her face. "We need to go, now. "

He turned around, a grim expression on his face. Immediately, all of the joy collapsed, making her smile fall.

"What is wrong?", Fili asked and stepped onto the cell to Thorin. "Are you hurt?" Thorin kept his eyes fixed on Andy.

"Do you want to explain, or should I'", he asked in a threatening voice. The company looked between them, confused and worried. A knot formed in Andy's throat, anxiety tingling under her skin. It was now or never. Slowly she turned around, facing the dwarves.

"I-", she started. "I... wasn't completely honest to you guys. " Thorin scoffed harshly, making Andy flinch a little. "I'm not a Hobbit. "

"Of course, you are, Lassie", Gloin's voice boomed. "Did they hit you too hard on the head? You have the feet and the hair and all. You couldn't be more Hobbit. "

Andy looked to the floor, slightly trembling. She opened her mouth, but no word came out. Gentilly, a hand wrapped around hers. As she looked up, Kili stood next to her, giving her a tight-lipped smile.

The Adventure of Andrea BagginsWhere stories live. Discover now