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The tournament is now over,  the spectators were happy, others were reassured, and some were scared. Afraid that such a strong power might one day decide to disrupt world peace. A country of monsters who, naturally, were already stronger than normal humans. In his office, Rimuru was with Velzard discussing about the festival so far. They were both happy because the guests seems to enjoy the festival. Velzard and Rimuru were both happy. Over time, it seems like they were much closer than before their feelings converged and they were even more in love with each other. 

"Dear aren't you tired, don't you want to take a little rest ?" Velzard asked him.

"I would love to. Unfortunately i am waiting for Masayuki I have to talk with him. You should go and rest." Rimuru respond.

"Tsk what's the point of resting without you. I will wait for this guy. I actually need to talk with him too" Velzard said with anger.

"Ciel, why did i feel some evil intent from her" ?

C:"Maye the behaviour of Masayuki's team went on her nerve"

"Yes and I am sure that you are absolutely right"

"Rimuru-sama, Velzard-sama may I enter" ? It was Dibalo. He was the one 

Diablo was the one I sent to pick up Masayuki and his team. I'm sure he must have scared them off before taking them to see me. When entered my office, Masayuki and the members of his team had a confused look on their faces. They looked tormented and their bodies couldn't stop shaking. 

"Diablo" When I called him, he jumped as if reproaching himself for something.

"Y-yes  my lord. I-i-I I didn't do anything to them. I just reminded them to behave in front of you." He said. 

"Are you sure that's all you did ?"

"Ye-yes of course Master I will never disobey your orders".

"Yeah I hope so. I am sorry if my servant was hars to you please take a sit" Rimuru said to them. They were now back to their sense but it was only for a moment. The man they thought they could fight was standing there. It was not even a fight but a pure humiliation.

"T-the lord of M-monster" they said with eyes full of terror.

"Yes that's me Rimuru Tempest. The beautiful woman in the sofa is my partner Velzard. You probably heard of her as the White Ice dragon"

They felt as if the sky had fallen. In this world, there are 4 divine creatures that must not be provoked in order to avoid disaster. The dragons. And the one standing before them was the eldest and strongest of them all. Naturally, and as if their deepest instincts were emitting cries of danger, all 3 automatically dropped to their knees.

"we are deeply sorry four our recent behaviour, please spare ou lives." They said.

Silently, Velzard stood up, she then came in front of her and said those words.

"Behave in front of my dear, or you will have to face me okay" She said with a smile but a malecious smile.

"Please Velzard don't scare them this much. You guys should take seat." Rimuru said to them kindly.

Masayuki knew that from now on, he and his men would have to choose their words carefully. They already knew that Rimuru was a completely different being, but with the presence of the white ice dragon, it was their immediate death. 

Rimuru and Velzard were on the sofa with Diablo behind them. In front of them, was masayuki and his group. 

"Ri-rimuru-san first of all we are deeply sorry for the recents events. We are ready to accept eveything you decide for us" he said lowering his head.

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