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In The Jura Forest.

Before his travel, his master ordered him to create a prison where people who got arrested should be. The Prison was under the Main building where Rimuru and his guests stay to discuss about some political affairs.

In The prison, there are three people. The first one was a girl with an amazing Platinium hair and with a blue eyes. She was deadly serious and continually unleashed a fierce aura. The Second one was an handsome man with red hair. He has two black horns on his forehead. He was just standing there without a word. The only order he received from his master was to capture a single individual who is going to bring destruction in the country. In front of them, a single girl was standing there. Myulan.

"What's your name?" Benimaru asked.

"My name is Myulan. May I know why did you arrest me ?" Myulan asked.

But this single question was enough to put the Platinium girl in a state of anger. She rushed towards Myulan catch her by the neck and pin her against the wall of the prison.

"Don't play the innocent girl or I will kill you understood ?" Ashia said with cold voice.

"Ashia-dono please calm down Rimuru-Sama ordered us to not kill her" Benimaru said.

"She better tell us the truth now" Ashia respond.

At the same moment, Myulan was terrified about this girl. She felt like they already know about her plan. She didn't find another solution than telling the truth.

"Myulan what's your true purpose by coming in Tempest" Benimaru then asked her. But this time with a serious and deadly voice.

"I already warned if you dare lie to us ? Not only your astral body, I will even extinguish your soul and by the way you will never be able to reincarnate again." Ashia said.

"I-I-am Myulan and I work for Demon Lord Clayman" ? Myulan started to talk.

"Demon Lord Clayman ? what Does he want from this country ?" Ashia asked.

"He.......... H-he wanted me to put a barrier to weaken all the monsters in the city" Myulan answered honestly.

Myulan was worry about her safety. She knows from the bottom of her heart that one day she is going to pay for all of her sins. If only she didn't respond to this man who knocked at her door. But now she was more terrified. She chose carefully her word. The girl who was standing with the Oni, was a dimension above her in term of power. She can feel it because she is a witch.

"To weaken us ? I see you think that we are just normal monsters." Benimaru said.

"What are you talking about ?" Myulan asked shortly. She knew at the moment she met the executives that they are not normal monsters.

"You don't know our master that's why. But let me tell you something if our master didn't order us to let you alive you would surely dead by now" Benimaru said to her.

"Let me warned you. I am not kind to those who want to oppose my master".

Ashia started to walk towards Myulan full of murderous intent. She then stopped in front of her and kneeled to be on her level. She then continue to talk again.

"If you dare again do something against my master or this country..........I guess you know what is going to happen"

"H-hai" Myulan respond terrified.

"Souka" Ashia called her and she instantly appear in front of her.

"Hai Ashia-Sama".

"You are going to keep an eye on her and report it to me."

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