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[I SHOULD have read One P*ece before I died instead of binge-reading another dungeon-themed web novel.]

What was Park Suho's biggest regret in life?

Was it the fact that he was only a twenty-one-year-old university student when he died?

[Nope. I was actually thinking of dropping out of school because I was broke. People also looked down on my background as an orphan, so I didn't have friends either. That's why I was cool with being transmigrated.]

Then was it the fact that his death was pathetic? After all, he died in a road accident after he got in a car chase with a top male Kpop idol. All for a part-time job, at that.

It wasn't an exaggeration when he said he was broke as hell. To get by, he needed a part-time job that paid well. Hence, he sold his soul to the devil when he accepted a job in 'Eyepatch'– an infamous media outlet known for stalking celebrities.

Suho was an average dude, but he was a talented photographer.

If he was rich, he would have started a career in photography. But since he was poor, he had no choice but to stalk celebrities and take "scandalous" photos of them for a living. It was okay at first, except for the fact that his conscience was killing him.

But everything went completely downhill when Eyepatch assigned Suho to stalk a famous male idol. His camera caught the said idol on a late-night date with a rookie female idol, and that was when shit hit the fan.

When the male idol spotted Suho, the celebrity tried to confront him. He wasn't getting paid enough to deal with an angry idol, so naturally, he stepped on the gas instead of talking it out with his victim.

But the hot-tempered idol got in his car quickly and chased Suho.

And... boom!

A wild truck appeared and hit his car on the side.

Then he died.


Even so, he didn't regret dying that way because he thought it was his karma for ruining several celebrities' lives by exposing their "scandals."

[I didn't live a decent life, so I knew I'd die a horrible death.]

So, what did Suho really regret in life?

Was it waking up as a minor villain inside the fantasy novel 'The Legendary Fisher?'

It was a novel where Sea Monsters and Dungeons terrorized the world. The people who were equipped to slay Sea Monsters were called 'Fishers.' But not everyone could become one, including Suho.

After all, he possessed the body of a minor villain.

[So fucking cliché.]

Worse, the character that he possessed was named ZIRKUS Huxford.

[English isn't my first language, but doesn't 'Zirkus' sound like 'circus?' It reminds me of clowns, and it makes me think the character I possessed is nothing but a huge joke.]

But Suho had a bigger problem than his new name: the timeline of the novel.

The story was indeed The Legendary Fisher. But the single moon in the starry night sky told him this timeline was before the main story began. To be precise, it was before the Five Disasters hit the Eaton Continent.

And the most worrying part?

Every single Disaster that destroyed the Eaton Continent came from the Guinevere Kingdom.

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