Chapter 22 - Just like the old times

Start from the beginning

"You must be tired Shixiong, it is a long way from the town after all.. Come inside, the villagers gave us a place to stay." the junior smiled at Bai Feng.

"So, how is everyone?" the golden-eyed man followed his junior into a small, yet cozy-looking hut.

"Shizun misses you even if he doesn't say it. He was also worried since Shixiong hasn't been replying to our letters as of late." the junior replied.

"My apologies.. I'll visit soon.." the cedar-haired beauty said in a guilty tone.

"Oh and those two.. Not sure if Shixiong remembers them, you left when they were still kids after all."

"Are we going already?" suddenly a voice came from the other side of the room. Two youngsters were rubbing the sleepiness out of their eyes.

"Now that Shixiong is here, we can continue investigating." the young man explained.

The two young cultivators looked at Bai Feng in surprise and immediately rushed to his side.

"Shixiong! You're back!" the two excited boys clung onto the golden-eyed man.

"I'm glad to see you all doing well after all these years" the cedar-haired beauty patted the youngsters' back, his gaze softened at the sight of them.

"Shixiong, how much have you heard from Shizun?" the oldest of the three spoke up.

"Not much. Shizun wants me to visit for the whole story but I rushed over, do let me know the details." Bai Feng admitted.

"We have received a request from some of the villagers to investigate a strange phenomenon. The residents mentioned that at night they could see a shadow roaming the streets. One villager even saw that the chief of the village got injured when he tried to stop the shadow from advancing, but they were too scared to continue watching." the young man explained.

"A shadow? That's vague.." the informant furrowed his eyebrows, and the other disciples shrugged their shoulders.

"We have asked around but no one knew much about what happened. Although there have been a few casualties, which is why they sent the request in the first place." the oldest of the three spoke up.

"Thankfully, with the help of the village chief, we managed to compile information on the residents" the junior handed a scroll filled with information and vague illustrations of the people living here.

Bai Feng scanned through the scroll as his junior caught him up to speed on this case. A week ago, the team found out that a family had lost their lives in their own home.

"Take me to every victim's house, maybe we can find something there." the informant suggested.

"About that.." the three disciples looked at each other but led the way regardless.

Once they arrived, Bai Feng couldn't help but click his tongue.

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