First KCON

27 0 0

October 2012

EXO-M was standing outside of the international airport.

"Good luck juniors you got this!" Nam gave a supportive thumbs up.

"Don't sweat it with the other groups, this is just friendly competition okay?" Leeteuk adds.

"We appreciate the show hyungs, but I want to ask why it's just us and not Suho's subunit?" Yixing questioned.

"I don't know, but they only invited you. This is your chance to show off your talent in front of others. You'll be going against your peers so make sure you give your absolute shot." Donghae encouraged them.

"This is real big step for us. I'm excited!" Jongdae chuckled.

"I'm feeling extra nervous." Minseok took a few breaths to calm himself.

"Come on hyung you're gonna be fine." Alex reassured.

"You got us hyung!" Tao nodded.

"I just know you're gonna do well little Eric!" Nam cheered him on.

"Can you just call me Eric? No offense, but it just sounds weird." Eric replied to his senior twin.

"I'm sorry, but I'm trying my best to keep it simple. Some people are confusing the two of us. In private I'll just call you Eric. You got the vocals talents I seen live before. I just know you'll do it." Nam encouraged the boy.

"That means a lot hyung. Gomawoeyo for everything and we're gonna do great." Eric bid his seniors farewell as they flew from Seoul to Los Angeles. Exiting the plane the boys were awe at the size of the airport.

"What kind of airport is this??" Jongdae gasped.

"It's the LAX, one of the biggest in the country. A ton of Hollywood movies have been filmed here." Alex explained.

"It looks so cool!" Luhan gasped in awe.

"Don't be wondering off Luhan we have to drive to the show." Emma and the managers drove them all across LA where the boys of EXO-M marveled at all the famous landmarks. Luhan took pictures of all the buildings. Threw drive away from the city into a smaller one called Irvine.

"So many famous landmarks! I wonder if we'll ever get to to walk the city!" Luhan beamed with excitement.

"If we have the chance Luhan, I think you took enough pictures today. We have to go." Yixing urges him as the managers opened their door.

Immediately after exiting they were met by a crowd of fans from various groups as they held sign banter of their favorite groups.

"Alex being the confident one waved his hands at the audience with Tao and Jongdae following.

"Your brother is very confident today." Yixing said.

"Alex has always been the confident person. When we're not in school he loves showing off his dance moves." Eric explained.

"From the posters I saw it seems Sooman was right about the competitiors. We may need to be wary." Yixing advised.

"It shouldn't that bad?" Minseok said before entering the auditorium where this of people sitting waiting for their favorite groups to arrive. Suddenly Minseok and Luhan began to feel cold feet.

"There's so many people." Luhan gulped.

"Yo our main rivals are here!" Bap maknae Zelo said getting the attention of other groups.

"So this is new group of SM. How comes there's only half of you?" Questioned Leo.

"We're the Chinese subunit of EXO I'm Jongdae but people call me Chen." He greeted Vixx.

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