Izuku's Past Pt 1

Start from the beginning

Izuku and Bakugo both curl into themselves, while the rest of the audience watches in shock as The muttering of "An angry mommy is a scary mommy" from Izuku who Ochako quickly hugs to help calm him down again.

She quickly sighs and apologizes to the officer, before letting him go, and turning back to Izuku who she goes to and hugs on the couch while he naps.
"Hisashi. Where are you at? Our child needs you. I hope your safe, I don't want to lose anyone else. Who knows where my brothers are. Plus I think mom failed to finish the villain in her letter." She thinks to herself as she pets Izuku's sleepy head.

A small gasp is again heard in the theatre followed by a soft voice saying "Inko?" sadly, except this time its only recognized by 2 people in the room.
"Who said that! Reveal yourself villain!!!" Bakugo yells, jumping to his feet only to be grabbed by the chair and forcefully held in place as I sigh while rubbing my forehead. "I will introduce the other members when it is time. For now don't worry about it, no one in the theater has any intention of hurting anyone else. Unless that person is Minetta." I say with a smile, as the mentioned grapestain shakes in fear, and I turn back to face the new scene on the screen.

A few years later.
An fresh middle school Izuku lays beaten on the ground with a pool of blood around his head as 4 adult shadows walk away, one stopping long enough to spit on the near dead body and laugh. "Die already you fucking quirkless bitch!" He says as the shadows vanish laughing wildly.

The moment the scene fills the screen the whole theater is dead silent, not a word is spoken as they watch in shock as their beloved classmate lays near death on the video.

As Izuku lays there he twitches "I'll show them! I will become a hero!" He thinks as he blacks out, then a shadow wraps itself around Izuku's body for almost a minute, then when it vanishes almost all of his wounds are gone, leaving only a few small ones, while almost all the blood on the ground has also vanished.

The video blanks, then comes to near the end of the second middle school year.
"I'd pass out these career sheets but I know you all want to become heroes!" The teacher said, his voice the one that spoke as Izuku laid dying in the previous scene.

"Sensei? What is the name of this school by chance?" Nedzu asks me,  a dark look on his face. Before I can reply Bakugo, surprisingly, speaks up. "Aldura JR High. I wanna help you with whatever you plan please." He says, shock still on his face from seeing Izuku laying out on the floor bleeding out.

The scene shifts to a little later where it shows the class laughing at Izuku for wanting to enter UA quirkless. His classmates taking very demonic forms in his eyes as he cowers in fear of another beating. "I don't know how much longer I can hold onto my dream. It feels so faint, I just wish I could die already and be done with life. Yet for some god forsaken reason I can't die!" Izuku thinks to himself as he packs up for the day, Bakugo stopping him and bullying him like always.

""Bakugo!"" The whole class yells at him, while he shrinks into his seat. "I know I shouldn't have!" He says, before I stop all of them with my hand raised. "Keep watching to understand." I say, confusing everyone.

The scene shifts to show the teacher standing just outside the other doors, when his eyes flash purple, causing Bakugo to stop mid step while him and the other bullies were leaving. "You know there might be a way for you to be a hero, pray for a quirk in your next life, and swan dive off the roof of a building!" He says as he leaves the room.
"Why did I just say that? I hate him for thinking he's better than me, but that would destroy aunty, which I could never want. Plus I still see him as a kind of brother, so why did I say that?" Bakugo thinks to himself before he hears a voice in his head. "He's trying to stop you from your goal. You would do anything to reach it!" The voice tells him, as his eyes glow purple for a second then goes back to normal as the screen goes blank.

"Wait? Does that mean Bakugo was manipulated into telling Izuku to kill himself?" Kaminari asks me causing everyone to look at him in shock. "What? Did I say something wrong?" He asks confused, while I chuckle at his predicament. "Yes, he was manipulated, for years in fact." I tell them, as I show multiple scenes of Bakugo and others hurting Izuku, except all of them show 4 different people with glowing purple eyes.
"These people are under the control of a single entity we will cover later." I tell them, as I turn to face the audience again. "Any other questions?" I ask them as Izuku raises his hand fastest.
"Yes?" I say pointing to him. "How much more of my past will you be showing?" He asks me worriedly. "Everything between this and after getting into UA, and some more stuff before this point. But that's not till later. All I will be showing now is part of the truth of the quirk you have been using." I say as I wave at the screen.

(Everything from the sludge attack on Izuku to getting OFA follows cannon story, so here is the best video I could find sorry.)

""What!!!!"" Everyone except those that knew of the quirk screamed. "All Might! You dumbass! I almost expelled him on the first day for not having control of his quirk and now I find out he got it the morning of the entrance exam! Why didn't you at least tell me it developed late!!" Aizawa yells, using his scarf to wrap up the Thin Might as he tries to run and hide. "You dumbass idiot!" RG (Recovery girl) yells slapping him with her cane, "That's not how you teach someone to use their quirk for the first time! No wonder he was in my office so much!" She yells as they both proceed to beat him while I watch in silence. While this was happening, Izuku refuses to look at Ochako while she is staring at him, as if waiting for an answer as to why he didn't tell her.

(End pt 1 of Izuku's past.
I will be doing a villain deku story next, but would prefer to only have to write a reaction. If anyone has a good villain deku story I could use I would appreciate the help, if not the next chapter might not be out for a while.

Edit: I may release pt 2 of Izuku's past which will be a major discussion on what they had seen, before I finish the villain deku chapter. Will decide by next week which to work on.

Remember I love all my supporters! Plus Izuocha 4 life!!!)

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