Adjusting to The New Life

Start from the beginning

Rayquaza:*in her ball*still tho she is right you do need your license or whatever is that you need and another Pokémon, you can't use me for every battle although I am very OP. she said back to him

Jin:*telepathically*yeah I'll think of something just need to find a Pokémon first. he said to her

Misty: hmm I see well it's ok I don't really feel like dealing with an angered Pokémon I already dealt that with my Gyarados when I first caught her. she said to him

Casey: same here had to deal with my Electebuzz when it evolved definitely was not a fun ride. she said to him

Jin:*sighs*thanks for understanding. he simply said to them

Misty: no problem but we should probably get you situated and such tho first. she said to him

-Timeskip brought to you by Jin encountering his brother Tobias for the first time in the Pokémon world.-

Change POV Jin

Well after I told them that I don't have a trainers license and other such things we literally went out on a shopping spree as we went to the poke mart to get some supplies such as potions and what not for my Pokémon a few other items for myself as well as I really need to find someplace for myself as I need to store all of this stuff that both Misty and Casey are telling me to get. Which don't get wrong I don't mind the help but for the love of god please slow down I've played the games and watched the anime on multiple occasions with that knowledge I should be good.

Misty: geez I still can't believe that you literally had $70,000 in your account you must have been saving up for quite a while or your families really rich. she said back to him

Me:*chuckles nervously*well I guess you could say that. I said back to her

Casey: hmm I do have quite a lot of money but I mostly spend that on supplies, food for me and my Pokémon and traveling to different regions. she out loud to all of us

Me: wouldn't it be better if you had a Pokémon that can fly so you don't have to spend that much money on plane tickets. I asked her as it's true having a Latios would be easy plane ride

Casey: although that is true I don't think my Beedrill will be able to carry me such a far distance. she said to him

Misty: yah and I don't think Gyarados can fly such a far distance as well or matter of fact I don't even know if she can even fly. she said to me as well

Me:*thinks to myself*well if it was Legends Arceus then yeah you'd be pretty safe on your part Misty. I thought to myself

Casey: but anyways the next most important thing you need as a trainer is poke balls so let's go to the poke ball section now shall. she told me

As we made our way towards the poke ball section of the market as I seen that there's the usual regular poke ball, great ball, and ultra ball and of course there's the special poke balls like the dusk ball and quick ball which this store sells those here I was hoping for some luxury balls since it's better for the Pokémon but they are quite expensive there's a reason why their called luxury balls.

Misty: well how about you get 8 of each 8 poke ball, 8 great balls and 8 ultra balls since you can easily afford them. she said to me

Me:*shrugs*I mean sure why not I was going to get all of them each anyways and I'll also take 4 dusk and quick balls as well. I said out loud as store clerk nodded

Clerk:*nods*alright then that'll be $1,500 please. she said to me

Which I handed her the exact number of cash as she gotten the balls from the counter and put them into the bag as I grabbed ahold of the bag as I thanked her for it as I still can't believe I literally just shopped in an actual poke mart for potions and other such items as I wish I had infinite money right about now.

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