A/N / life update

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Hi everyone I'm so sorry about my absence recently I just got back from Disneyland which was fun I even got black widows and doctor strangers signature in my book I also got a black widow pin which I'm excited about because it's new to my pin collection also as a gift my aunt bought a marvel sweater for me which will constantly be on me at all times possible if you know u know aside from that I'm trying to finish a one shot that honestly is flopping but I'm just updating for y'all
Story time with symone: so I was in this restaurant with my dad stepmom sister and aunt eating dinner before going back to Disneyland my waitress looked like a replica of Tony stark with white hair and a accent that I couldn't quite put my finger on but I needed to rant
Life update:
Good news my mental health has been improving and I'm starting to appreciate the little things and live every day trying to be optimistic and not negative but I still have my rough days that I've learned to accept I decided to do a life update because I think it's important to be as real as possible with you guys whether that's talking about my latest store I went to or taking about my mental health I want to be as real as possible
Also feel free to post requests in the comments because it really helps when my ideas aren't flowing like the should be which is honestly one of the reasons I haven't updated in a hot minute

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