The day that changed it all

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Song: sure thing-Miguel
Age: unborn,newborn
Tw: vomiting and child birth and swearing
Type of story: fluff
Sorry if I get anything  wrong just based off of what I've heard
Natasha's POV:
As I went to the bathroom to barf for the 4th day this week the first thing that came into my mind was am I pregnant but then I remembered I can't have kids because of the red room but then I thought if I really am pregnant how will tell Steve I told him I can't get pregnant but just to be sure I got ready and was getting ready to leave before someone stopped me it was Tony he says
"So romanoff where are you going"
I said " no where just getting some new makeup you wouldn't know"
He replied "ok"
After that I walked in into the pharmacy and got two types of pregnancy tests and also went to get some new mascara because I actually needed that but then I checked out and drived back to the compound and walked up to my room and took out the test I took them and when I say it was the longest 3 minutes of my life I wasn't overreacting after the timer i checked the tests sure enough they were positive I was so excited yet nervous but the first thing I did was text my best friend/ little sister Wanda she came the second I texted her
She asked "what's wrong?" I said
"I'm pregnant" showing her the tests
She was shocked
She replied "but how you told me you can't have kids and who's the dad"
I said back " well yeah that's what I thought but here we are and if your so curious it's Steve how will I tell him"
Wanda said " well I think after you get a ultrasound and confirm that you pregnant then tell him I think he'll be understanding but I'm so happy for you your like a sister to me I can't wait to see you be a great mother" she said hugging me
I said "thanks Wanda can't wait to have you with me for this experience"
She replied "no problem" then she left and the second after that I scheduled a appointment
*time skip doctor's appointment*
I was sitting on table
The doctor said "I'm going to spread some ultrasound gel on your stomach ok"
I nodded my head I saw my child there I was mesmerized at this sight
The doctor said "here's your baby Natasha everything looks great congratulations"
I said "thank you so much"
I left and had the ultrasound pictures in my purse I decided it was time to confront Steve
*time skip*
I decided to talk to Steve I saw him in the kitchen
I said " hey Steve we need to talk it's really important"
Steve said " ok what is it is everything ok"
I said "Steve remember that night we had sex well you somehow managed to get me pregnant I totally understand if you don't want to be in your child's life"
He said angrily "you told me you wouldn't get pregnant and I don't want to be in your child's life it was your mistake"
I said yelling at him "you do realize to some extent that 2 people make a baby but I understand you have a life too but don't expect to just magically walk into my child's life randomly cause this is your choice"
He said "ok but don't expect me to help you in anyway"
I said " I'm not so you shouldn't be expecting to see your child" I walked away I went to my room upset I just can't believe he could say it was my mistake I didn't think I would get pregnant but I was going to give my kid the best life ever
*Time skip besties*
I was 9 months pregnant and I was uncomfortable after I told the avengers I was pregnant they were so happy for me but extremely protective over me making sure I was always good but I woke up today and my stomach hurt but I shook it off but I was going downstairs to get water because I was so thirsty but then I felt something wet run down my legs
I whispered "shit"
I yelled "WANDA"
She ran to me
Asking "what's wrong"
I said "my water broke"
She replied "ok let's get your bag and drive to the hospital
*time skip y'all*
I was in so much pain but Wanda was holding my hand telling me
"It'll be ok just imagine holding your baby in your arms"
The  doctor came into my hospital room
Saying "ok Natasha it's time to push"
I replied "ok"
The doctor said "push"
I did I was in so much pain
The doctor said " ok Natasha this is the last push I can see the head"
I said "I'm scared I can't do it"
Wanda said " Natasha I know your scared but you have to try just imagine you holding your baby just one more push"
I said "ok"
I pushed again and there it was my baby the room was filled with a crying
The doctor said "congratulations you have a healthy baby girl" the doctors gave my daughter to me I was crying because I never thought I could create something so beautiful
Wanda asked " what are you naming her?" I said " Nadia Yelena romanoff"
She said "what a beautiful name"
All the avengers were begging to see my beautiful baby daughter she had the cutest button nose and little red fuzz on her head
All of them were saying how beautiful she was
Then Nadia started crying so I told the men to leave the room I pulled down my hospital gown just enough so my left breast was exposed I had trouble getting her to latch but she did it
Maria said "nat you did I'm so proud of you"
I said "thanks"
*time skip*
I was home with my little angel she was crying so I fed her every moment I had with her was heaven for me she was crying still so I stared singing sure thing by Miguel
Even when the sun don't shine I got faith in you and I so put your pretty little hand in mine
Sure enough she fell asleep with her head on my shoulder

Words: 1068
I thought this would be so cute to write so please give feedback! 💕💕

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