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Song: star boy-weekend
Age: 17
Tw: blood killing
Contains Carrie plot a tiny bit
I don't own the movie at all!!!!
No one's pov:
It was October 31st in the avengers compound everyone was preparing for starks party but Lila and Morgan had a great prank that they were doing on there cousin the second that there cousin would walk into the party they we're going to throw a bucket of blood on there cousin  Nadia if only the knew how bad it would turn out........

Nadia's pov:
I was so happy today I was getting ready for my uncle Tony's Halloween party I was dressing up as Cher from clueless I was doing my makeup and my mom came in asking "how's everything going honey"
I said"it's going good"
She left and I put on my costume I hoped Peter would like it he's my crush since the 7th grade but he's in love with Morgan she's so much more popular and pretty than me I don't stand a chance I got on my costume and walked out and saw everyone looking at me then a bucket of blood was on me everyone was laughing Morgan Lila cooper Ned mj
All the avengers except Natasha because she new what Nadia was capable of..

Nadia's pov: I was so happy today I was getting ready for my uncle Tony's Halloween party I was dressing up as Cher from clueless I was doing my makeup and my mom came in asking "how's everything going honey" I said"it's going good" She left and I...

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Her costume:

No one's POV:
As everyone was laughing except Natasha because her daughter was capable of telekinesis and much more everyone was pointing and laughing then the the video Nadia held over her head played on screens on multiple tvs it was a video of Nadia crying over something
It caused even more laughter then they saw Nadia smiling
Lila "asked what is it Nadia"
Nadia kept smiling about to get her revenge on Lila and Morgan
Natasha screamed "no Nadia don't do it you'll kill her"
Nadia replied sounding very creepy "mom no don't tell me what to or your next I'm not joking"
Natasha wouldn't dare say anything else than she saw everyone trying to leave so she locked all doors and then she walked into the kitchen and grabbed a knife and went to Lila
Lila said "please don't do this I promise I'll do anything please"
Nadia replied "you threw a bucket of blood on me and ask for forgiveness"
She grabbed the knife and stabbed her
Steve yelled "Nadia don't kill anyone else we're sorry"
She used her powers and threw him across the room and Steve lays unconscious then Nadia killed Morgan then Peter then mj and Ned after all the bodies laying lifeless on the floor all the avengers were ready to fight her all of the avengers suited up Nadia could do this in anything the avengers were getting ready to fight Tony tried shooting her but he failed
He said "why did you kill your cousin"
She replied "because your daughter is a spoiled little brat if you didn't notice"
Tony replied "no she's not and we will kill you if you don't stand down"
Nadia didn't listen and threw him with telekinesis Clint tried to shoot her with a arrow then Natasha stepped up and tried fighting her using every fighting technique she knew and nothing worked her daughter was capable of so much
Nadia decided to stand down and unlock the doors then she started laughing
Saying "happy Halloween bitches"
She was covered in blood blood everywhere in the avengers compound
Words: 569
Thanks for reading this today kinda weird but kinda had this idea in my head

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