Prologue - The future

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Luffy has been King of the World for many years now, the world being a much better place than it has been in hundreds of years.
But on the journey for this, he's made many sacrifices, being more selfless than he wanted to be. And although the many losses he's had to make, he has still recovered, honouring the wishes of his loved ones.
Even though wars happen, unlike the past, their resolution has been calmer.
± The world's system is in my headcanons book (even I've changed some points, that chapter holds the system's basics) ----- Currently ------------

Luffys pov:
Luffy was sat in the throne room, in the midst of the buttercups. He just had a meeting with a kingdoms royals, meeting their new baby daughter. And as precious as she was, it tired him out- even with the many years he's done this. So he decided to come to the throne room to rest - although he prefers to call it his Hidey-Hole.

3rd Pov:
Nika and Joyboy were in their little 'dimensional pocket thing' (?) - even they weren't sure what it was called - however Joyboy is determined on having it called their 'bubble pocket'. They were thinking about Luffy.
He had done alot- peace, the will of D. , and so on.
They wanted to gift him something special. Until Joyboy thought of the perfect thing- the gift of time travel.
After thinking they had decided

Monkey D. Luffy, the 78 year old King of the World, previously King of Pirates, would travel back -
to his 6 year old body

± Ok, I've been planning this since who knows when. Hope this turns out good and hope you like it- Bye-Bye ±

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