5.This cant be real

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We've been working with the cops now since the first phone call. So now the next time that sick bastard cause we can trace it.

BNR you were sitting in the living room with all the cops waiting for the phone call we were going to get from him today to see if we had changed our mind about giving him my wife.

The thing is we're going to tell him will give her to him but little does he know it's a set up. We all know that I would never give up the love of my life.

The cops told us we have to just stall long enough to keep him on the line so they can trace him it seems easy but it's way harder.

One little slip up and we could possibly lose our little girl.

As we were sitting there the phone ring aria looked at me and then back at the phone she was worried. We were scared we didn't want to mess this up so I slowly picked up the phone and held it to my ear.


"Hello?" I said as I picked up

"Have you made you decision?"

"Yes we have."

I said looking up at Aria as she sat there shaking.

"And what will that be Mr.Malik?" As he said that I heard our little girl in the back ground making my heart race cause I know she was still safe.

"I'll give you my wife" I broke because I felt like I was actually doing This.

"Wise man Malik but how do know you'll keep your promise?"

"I'm a man of my word is all you need to know."

The cops waved me on telling me to keep it up cause the almost have traced the call.

While the said that I heard rustling one he line.

"I'm sorry." The man said on the other line.

"What do you mean I'm sorry?" My heart sank all these bad thing started running through my mind as of what it meant.

"I'm so sorry I had to do this."

"What you me-"

I was cut off

"POW!" The sound of a gun shot.

Then I heard the last thing I ever wanted to hear in my life.

I heard the scream of my little girl right before the phone ended.

"No No!" Aria screamed falling to the floor.

"That's my little girl no it's wasn't her! Omg! No this isn't real!" She screamed

Everything started to spin I could focus only thing I knew I was doing was walking over to her and falling beside her. As we both morned at what we just witnessed.

This can't be real.

My daughter.

This can't be real.

The police ran out the house shouting but We were so lost we didn't hear a thing they said.

Forever EverLasting Love.(Zayn Malik FanFiction)(sequel to will it last)Where stories live. Discover now