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"What did i say about giving Uncle Sirius and Uncle Remus a hard time?" Harry says, trying to contain his laughter at the sight of his two children in front of him. The only clothes that his todderler's were currently wearing were their nappies while they clambered over each other, using their Uncles as climbing frames and seeing who could the highest. It really was a funny scene to watch.

Hearing their Father's soft voice, the children both stilled. Slowly, peeking over their shoulders. Both of their eyes could hardly contain the obvious micheife behind them. Harry loves it when Aria does funny faces, Harry sometimes compared her to Malfoy when he used to make simular funny faces. Biting the inside of his cheek, he swallows the amused chuckle that threatens to escape his lips. Harry crosses his arms over his chest and lifts a single intimidating eyebrow. He knows that his children hate it when he does that.

Almost on cue, both Aria and Axel bounces off of their Uncle's and immediately run over to their Father, coming to a halt just in front of him with an apologetic smile spread over their faces.

"Sowy Papa!" The twins chirp softly, their heads bent.

Supporting Harry's amusement, they twins turn their faces up towards Harry, holding their stubby, little arms out, asking to be picked up.

The fake stern look on Harry's face melts away and gets replaced with a heart warming smile as he looks down at his daughter and son. Bearly three years olds and both of them are already taking after Malfoy. Such Slytherins. The know that they have Harry wrapped around their little fingers. They would have Malfoy wrapped around their fingers too if he knew about them....Or if they knew about him for that matter.

"How was the event at the Ministry? Se anyone that we hate there?" Sirius Black asked, his voice full of curiosity in which made Harry jump by the sudden sound of his Uncle's voice.

Looking up, Harry gave them both a smile, shrugging his shoulders. "Many People who were there that i didn't like. Weasley and Granger were there...And Malfoy...."

The Boy-Who-Lived inwardly flinched when the pair of men snapped their heads up, piercing him with their watchful gazes. Harry scoops Axel up, who still wanted carrying, and nuzzled his forehead against his son's brown silken hair. He missed his children. He wished that he could have his children with him at all times, but considering the circumstances, that's impossible. He knows that he can't take them anywhere with the war still going on. Aria and Axel deserves better than that.

"Unwle Moony says that we go someplace spe'al tomowwo?" Aria blinks, her sparkling, blue eyes up at him, flecks of silver glinting like shards of broken glass in the depths. Her top lip was adorably more pronounced than the bottom as she pouted in excitement.

"Yes. Were going to Teddy's birthday party, remember? Uncle Moony invited us." Harry tries his best to smooth the wild tumble of wispy, brown curls from the back of Axel's head, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

Axel's hair is very much like Harry's. It's unruly as it is long, and no matter how hard Harry tries to tame it, it never lays flat. After living with the Dursleys, Harry could never bring himself to cut it. He knows from experience that it would just grow back the next day.

Some people who had met Axel had claimed that he looked like the double of Harry. Sure, he had the pale colouring the the untamable brown hair but other than that, the young boy looked and acting nothing like his Papa.

Both Ron and Hermione had met him and they clearly weren't blind. Weasley had made a horrible statement saying that they young toddler would be a Death Eater in the future, just like Malfoy. Harry nearly punched him but thankfully Granger stepped in before he could and made him apologize. Even though Harry could see plain as day that he didn't mean it. His mouth said one thing but his eyes said another.

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