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This is my first attempt at a fanfic writing so I do apologise for any spelling mistakes or continuity errors.

The Originals family had made a promise long ago: "Always and Forever". This was the promise to never leave each others lives and to always stick together however, that promise had to come to an end as all good things do as Hayley had to sacrifice herself to protect Hope (Klaus and Hayley's daughter) then Elijah and Klaus had to use the last white oak stake to kill each other in order to save Hope. Hayley had found peace and so did Elijah however Klaus stayed back in the limbo to keep an eye on his daughter.

It was always the same day in the limbo since time never passed properly in there however the outside world kept moving. Klaus was watching his daughter as everyday passed on Earth. He was proud of his daughter for always being able to stand up for herself however he was also frustrated that his daughter was being made to clean up every mess and problem created in Mystic falls. It wasn't that Klaus didn't like that his daughter was doing right by the Mikaelson name but he hated watching his littlest wolf being put into dangerous situations. As he was watching the latest problem his daughter was dealing with, he felt lightheaded and had lost consciousness.

Klaus opened his eyes to see that he was teleported elsewhere, he could tell that the place he was in wasn't the limbo since it was only white everywhere around and it seemed to go on endlessly. He got up and saw he was in a room similar to the one from that one time his brother Finn had put Klaus, Elijah, Kol and himself in a chambre de chasse.

He looked around to see if there was any witch hiding. Though he looked around everywhere in the room he didn't find anyone however he could feel a presence that was sending chill through his spine. Though he was a little afraid at the unknown presence he did not care much since he needed to get back to looking after his daughter.

"Come out whoever or whatever you are!!! I do not have time for any silly little games!!!" Shouted Klaus.

For a little while there was just silence which was making Klaus even more enraged however before it could blow up, the view around Klaus was changed once again but this time he was back in his Viking village.

He could see the house he lived in and all the trees that were around. He was starting to reminisce the old days before he had become a 1000 year old vampire. Then he heard footsteps coming from behind him and was brought back from his trance. As the footsteps got closer he was starting to get afraid that Mikael had found a way to torture his Bastard son even in death.

To his surprise it wasn't mikael who approached him but rather a man in a three piece suit (very similar to his brother Elijah's) however as Klaus looked at the person in front of him's face he realised he was unable to look at it properly and could only see a blur instead of a face. Klaus rubbed his hands against his eyes to make sure he wasn't just imagining things.

"Oh I am sorry you don't need to do that, my face just isn't visible to other beings from this universe." Said the person before him.

"Who and What are you?" Said Klaus in a reserved way. Though Klaus knew that the being before him was something a lot powerful than he and that if the being were to attack Klaus he wouldn't survive but he didn't want to show fear in his eyes to give the satisfaction to the being in front.

"I am sorry if I scared you with my presence, I never meant to make you feel that way. To get you to feel comfortable I even wore a similar suit to what your brother wears. I can assure you I mean no harm" Replied the being while lifting his arms in surrender.

Klaus was slightly stunned at the fact that the being was able to tell that Klaus was afraid however he still continued on with his poker face. "You still haven't answered my question, what and who are you?" Said klaus in an authoritative manner.

"Well the answer to your question is very complex however the best word for someone like me in your universe would be a sentient being. And as for who I go by many names but I am known to most as Nobody."

The Choice: A Klayley Fix itWhere stories live. Discover now