Chapter 1

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So... I had this idea, after reading 'Movie Dadnik' (by J3llyf1shDust on ao3), for quite awhile and I finally got around to write it! This first chapter is just an introduction of sorts, hence why the short word count. The next chapters will be longer (in case y'all were wondering).

But, anyways, hope y'all enjoy this new story :)

Today marked 10 years since Sonic (forcefully) came to Earth, and he couldn't feel lonelier. He distracted himself, as usual, from the more-than-usual intense loneliness he faced almost daily. Pretending that he had a family, that he had friends, and that he was with Donut Lord and Pretzel Lady on movie nights, not just by their window.

Feeling an indescribable loneliness from watching the baseball game he so desperately wanted to be part of. His brain begged him to think of how he had been on earth for 10 years. On how, for 10 years, he has been alone. The only glimpse of his existence being real coming from Crazy Carl.

To make his stupid brain stop thinking about everything he had gone through. He decided to play baseball at night, so no one would see him. Excitement rushed through his body, making him momentarily forget his immense loneliness. As he was getting ready, a golden circle appeared in the middle of the baseball field.

Why did one of the rings appear on Earth, let alone in Green Hills? Who could it be?!

Sonic's eyes widened at the realization that it could be one of the echidnas.

Casting aside the thoughts of how the echidnas could even know where he was, Sonic, using his superspeed, hid in the bushes right beside the field. And then... a small fox with yellow-orange fur and two tails... appeared? Definitely not what he had been expecting. The fox was shivering and whimpering, clutching a backpack to his chest. While he hadn't seen any mobians for a decade, this little fox couldn't be more than two years old.

Sonic's slight feeling of fear transformed into an overwhelming concern for the little kit. Why was such a little fox alone, distressed, with no one by his side? Where was his family? As he waited a whole minute to see if anyone else would come out of the portal, he took notice of how lost the little fox seemed. Sympathy and compassion ran through Sonic's core.

After a minute passed, the portal had fully closed, and the fox remained at the same place, analyzing the scenery while still tightly hugging his backpack. No one was with the kid? How did the kid have access to the rings at such a young age? (which Sonic realized almost immediately was a very ironic thought, but still, Sonic was pretty certain that their parents or guardians were giving their rings, or even one for that matter, to a two-looking-year-old toddler).

Sonic rushed towards the kit. Even though this was going to be the first time in a decade that he was going to have a conversation with someone, the little fox needed someone, and that someone had to be him.

"Hey, are you okay? What's your name?" Sonic asked softly, kneeling down to his level.

The fox looked up at him with wide eyes, definitely surprised at his sudden appearance, especially because of his super speed. However, those same wide eyes were also filled with fear and wonder.

"Who...who are you?"

"I'm Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog." He finished with the most welcoming smile he could master at the moment. The kit was still scared of him, and, so, he wanted to make it obvious to the toddler that he was trustworthy and that he wasn't going to hurt him.

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