Chapter 5 - Why tf is he still here

Start from the beginning

Rather than paying attention to the mess he had created, I was more attentive to the fact he touched me.

I really don't like being touched.

I flinch away from him, feeling sudden anger rise inside me. To cover up my sensitive mess of a self, I put on a cold and rude facade.

Like Im doing right now.

I push his hand away roughly, with a gasp the small figure falls behind me. I didn't really think of how much stronger I am than him, I didn't really mean to push him yo the floor. But he seemed to have fell roughly.

I hear small sniffles coming from the floor behind me, "hey.. what's your problem I was just asking a question." I can hear his voice quivering. I must've scared him. "I-I'm sorry about the egg."

With that I hear shuffling and footsteps walking away, god dammit why did he have to touch me? Whatever atleast he'll ignore me now.

I can finally pretend to be roommate free.

But why does that annoying kid seem to manage to piss me off even when he's doing nothing wrong?

Ugh distract yourself Minho.

I drop another clean egg into the pan.


Of course I had to get the meanest roommate.

Just when I thought I lucked out getting into this amazing school, I'm faced with this.

I angrily open up my suitcase, the other side landing with a thud. You know what? The easiest way to deal with this is to ignore it.

I don't have a roommate.

I live in this wonderful room without another person.

All to myself.

I pull out a pile of clothes and begin hanging them up in my given closet. Organizing them by color in rainbow order because I'm feeling fruity.

My stomach abruptly grumbles, reminding me of Minho cooking something. I would've never thought someone like him would cook.

Wait why am I thinking of him again?

I rapidly unpack most of my luggage before lying down to sleep, feeling extremely tired after a long day of walking.

Completely forgetting to eat something before resting. And so I fall asleep to an empty stomach.


When I awake the next morning, my alarm blasts its ear piercing ringing that always makes me shiver in my boots. Basically scaring me awake.

Rubbing my eyes, I look over to the other side of the room to find my rude roommate is no where to be seen.

Huh maybe do juniors start earlier?

I let out a great big yawn and stretch that one really good morning stretch everyone has. I sit up from my bed and make my way to the bathroom, only to be unable to turn the knob. It's locked.

Ugh so he's still here.

Annoyed, I go back to my bed and begin scrolling on my phone, passing time until the boy lets me use the bathroom.

5 minutes go by

Why is this boy taking so long, I don't even hear any water running?

10 minutes go by

And now I'm pissed.

"Yah Minho!! Open up i need to get ready!"

I furiously knock on the door, classes are starting soon and I really don't want to make a bad first impression by being late.

"Minho!!" I continue knocking with all my power.

"Im doing skincare leave me alone." A voice from behind the door finally answers.

Oh my god is he trolling?


"I'll be out soon jeez."

Then I here the shower start.

I don't have time for this.

I go to the kitchen sink and wash my face and mouth, hoping no one would notice I haven't showered or brushed my teeth.

Pulling in a grey hoodie and black sweats, I grab my backpack and head out the door, fuming that my roommate had costed me my basic hygiene.

On my way to class I grab a quick coffee from the cafe Felix showed me, thankfully there was practically no line and I quickly got my drink.

I arrive to class just barely a minute before it began. Taking a seat next to a cute dimpled boy toward the back of the class. Praying my BO wasn't noticeable.

How am I going to live like this all year?

This is literally me with my siblings everyday. Ik damn well it doesn't take them 30 mins to shower and brush. But then again I'm dancing in the bathroom half the time.

Hope you enjoyed!

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