"There is not" Klaus stated with an eye roll. He has being thinking of buying something for his Lyra but Rebekah has to interrupt him. 

"So, women in the twenty first century dress like prostitutes then"

Klaus nodded annoyed.  "Find something red. It may look better on you". Klaus said making Rebekah stop dead in her tracks. "Since when did you start playing attention to women clothing?"

Klaus muttered something which neither Stefan nor Rebekah could hear.

"Never mind my past self. I know the answer now." Rebekah said making everyone laugh.

"Seems like my lessons have finally proven their value." A voice stated from behind making Klaus jump.

"YOU WERE THERE!" Both Rebekah and Stefan  examined.

"So, my brother wasn't going crazy back then"

"No" Lyra answered while laughing Klaus shock his head.

"I don't understand"

"Keep watching Kol. You'll see" Rebekah told him.

"What are you doing here love?"

"Why? Can't I come Beasty?" Lyra rolled her eyes.

"I thought you don't want to revel yourself yet, love"

"Don't think about it." Lyra wrapped her hands around Klaus's neck and kissed his cheek. "I missed you." She mumbled against his neck.

Klaus kissed her forehead. "I missed you too love. So so much".

Lyra smiled against his neck. "Good"

"Nik" Rebekah hesitantly called for her brother.

"Yes, sister" Klaus looked at Rebekah only to find both Stefan and Rebekah looking at him dumbfounded.

"Are you alright?"

Now it's Klaus's turn to look surprise. " Why wouldn't I be?"

"Umm. you see". Rebekah tailed off.

"Darling" Lyra called out with a sheepish look, "I think now it's a good time to tell you that I'm pretty much invisible for everyone other than you"  

"Oh my god! This is funny. I wish I was there to see that". Kol snorted. "You forget everything around you when you see Ly brother. Talk about whipped." Klaus growled at him. "Shut up Kol"

Klaus turned to look at her so fast that Lyra thought he would break his neck. He glared at her but if you look close enough you would see there is no heat in it. Lyra looked down biting her lips to hide her smile and vanished letting her husband handle his newly awaken sister.

"Nothing Rebekah. Are we done?" He snapped.

"Don't be grumpy" Rebekah continued to tease her brother.

"I needed one thing from you to find why my hybrids are dying, one thing. Your necklace. And you lose it"

"I didn't lose it. It has been lost for ninety years." Rebekah showed her dress to Stefan. "What do you think?"

"I like it" He replied. Rebekah gave him a look.

"What? I said I like it"

"I can always tell when you're lying, Stefan" Rebekah stated. Klaus got up.

"I have something to do. Continue on your shopping sister". He then left the store.


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