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In Tennessee a white house is shown. A woman walked out from the  front door calling out for her dog. "Rudy! Rudy! Come on. " When she turned around she gasped seeing Klaus standing in front of her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you"

There was collective silence around the room until Lyra laughed aloud. "Do me a favor my love. Never I mean never speak like that again." Even Klaus was smiling seeing his wife's point he nodded.

"Can I help you?"

"My car broke down. Yours is the first house I've come to. So, I'm hoping if I could use your phone"

The woman eyed and with a suspicious look she asked "Don't you own a cellphone?"

"Yeah battery died." Klaus said showing her his phone. The woman still didn't move. So, Klaus spoke up again.

"Look, I promise I'm not a serial killer. I just want to use your phone". The girl took a step back.


"So..... I can come in?"

"No. I'll get the phone here". This irritated Klaus so much that he dropped his fake American accent and said, "I thought you country folks were supposed to be more trusting".

"I'm from Florida". Klaus rolled his eyes and said " That explained it".  He sped over and grab the girl by her throat and compelled her. "Show us a little southern hospitality..... sweet pea". The moment he said the word he felt a hard smack on the back of his head. Almost everyone couldn't hear he muttering "I know love. I know. No nicknames for others. Especially for girls." When he felt nothing "How about I take you on shopping tonight and staying with you tomorrow?" He suggest knowing it will give him good points. When he felt her magic leaving him "Then it's a deal. I'll meet you at the entrance of the shopping mall"

Almost everyone laughed Kol being the loudest. "You do know what you got sign up for right, Klaus?" Caroline asked amused.

"Sadly I'm aware."

"What?" Lyra  shrieked. " You are telling me that I'm a trouble for you."

Klaus's eyes widened.  "No of course not. Who said that? I love going on shopping with you". Lyra looked at him for a minute. Her lips turning into a pout as she sniffles her silver eyes turning bigger and starting to fill with tears.

"No. You don't. You are lying. You consider it as a trouble. You consider me as a trouble. You lied to me. You always do."

"No please. I don't think like that OK. You are not a trouble. You never were a trouble. Please love. Believe me."  Lyra shakes her head. "I don't believe you anymore. You are annoyed with me. Liar. All you do is lying to me. You don't love me like I do." She cried tears rolled down her face.  "Please. Ly. Please believe me. Stop crying please." Klaus felt like crying. If he would have known his Lyra will be this upset after hearing what he said earlier he wouldn't have said it. He hates seeing tears in his Lyra's face. His Lyra cannot cry. No never.  He knelt in front of her and  took her soft hands on his own. "I'm  sorry. I'm so sorry." Lyra took her hand back. "I'm gonna sit with Kol." She went to Kol and put her head on his shoulder. Kol wrapped his arm around her and bought her closer to him. Klaus was still kneeling felt his whole world came down.

"I will do anything to make you stop crying Lyra".

 Anything". Lyra looked at Klaus.

"Anything!" He agreed. "Name anything and it would be yours"

Elena started to think. It seems like Klaus does everything that Lyra ask him to do. She must act quickly. She has to talk to Lyra. But how? Elena and Bonnie looked at each other and nodded their heads. They have to take an action. Now is a good time. Lyra is upset with Klaus. This will gain them an excellent opportunity to get Lyra on their side. They started to make plans not knowing said the woman is currently reading their minds.

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