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Klaus was looking at his wedding photo. He and Lyra were standing near to a lake and the around is covered with snow. His Lyra wanted to have a winter wedding and who was he to deny her wishes.

He smiled softly while looking around other photos that have hung up all around the wall

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He smiled softly while looking around other photos that have hung up all around the wall. There were many of them considering  his wife loved talking photos where ever they go.

"Are those photos moving?" Bonnie asked hesitantly.

"Magic". Klaus simply answered.

"Is she a witch?". Elijah asked.

"Not just a witch dear brother, our Nik here has gotten himself the Queen of Magic." Kol said proudly.

"What" Bonnie screamed. "There is no way that a witch has agreed to talk to you much less marry you"

"Do not let my lovely Wife hear about that Bennett, I don't think she would be pleased. Her words I quote' those nature servants call themselves 'witches' disgusting. They don't even have their own magic. Cast a  simple spell and a nose bleed on its way.'". Klaus said smirking.

Lyra came behind him and wrapped her arms around him hugging him from behind.

"What are you looking at?". She questioned. Klaus said nothing turning around hugging her burring his face in the crock of her neck inhaling her delicious scent. Lyra sighed knowing exactly what's going on her husband's mind gently ran her fingers in his blonde hair making him relax under her touch.

"Do you miss them?" She questioned.

"Everyday. I really need to undagger them Love. I truly do. But I'm scared that he will find us and harm them."

"I told you Beasty, you can undagger them if you want. I'll help you to protect them. They are my family too. We are together in this."

"I can't Ly. Not without breaking my curse."

Mikaelsons looked each other shocked. They thought Klaus enjoyed the power he had over them. They never thought why he did it. May be their brother isn't a monster like they thought. Klaus ignored all the stares he got wishing who ever send them here will send his wife also.    

"I know darling I know."  Suddenly there was hissing sound and all around the room there were Serpents many of them. Lyra made a hissing sound like she is communicating with them and nodded her head.

Everybody jumped.

"Why there are so many snakes?". Stefan questioned.

"My wife's companions. She has a strong love towards snakes."

"She is Slytherin Nik. Of course she has snakes. It's in her blood." Kol answered.

"She looks like she can understand them." Caroline said.

"Yes. She is a Parseltongue."

"What's Parseltongue?"

"She can talk to snakes."  

A young vampire came to the couple. He bowed his head.

"Mr Mikaelson, Mrs Mikaelson, sorry to interrupt" He said.

"It's fine." Lyra answered leaning against Klaus making him wrap his arms around her bringing her to his chest.

"There is a rumor about Katherina in Mystic Falls. Also the rumors about a human doppelganger is also spreading."

"A human doppelganger!" Klaus questioned excitedly. The young vampire nodded his head.

"You go and..." Klaus started but, his wife cut him off sending a kind smile towards the young vampire, "Go, you can do what ever you were doing" waving him off. When Klaus turned with a questioned look,

"My love, there is a better way than sending vampires. If Katherina is there she could go away when she sees a random vampire."

"What do you suggest sweetheart?"

To answer his question Lyra turned and spoke to her snakes sending them separate directions.

"Now no one will suspect anything." To which Klaus respond kissing her passionately.   

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