Chapter 34

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"I still have a couple of your t-shirts," Karina says. "If you need something to sleep in."

Winter takes a careful sip. "That'd be great. Thanks." And they settle back into weird silence that's been surrounding them ever since they walked through the door. And Karina gets it. It's been awhile since Winter's stayed over, and neither of them really know what's the protocol now.

She's fed up with nervous quietness after several minutes. "Winter," she calls, and Winter snaps her gaze up to meet hers. Hazel eyes are filled with apprehension, and Karina tries not to flinch. "You don't have to stay if you're uncomfortable." Winter shifts in her seat, and honestly, the notion of if is laughable. Of course she's uncomfortable. She doesn't think she's ever seen Winter this -- unsure.

Is the prospect of spending the night with me that terrifying?

Karina searches Winter's markedly stoic face, and that's her answer. The worst thing is, she gets it.

"I apologize," Winter answers after a short pause. "I didn't want to give you the impression that I don't want to be here."

"You can want to be here and still be uncomfortable," Karina points out, "and that's the last thing I want you to feel." She pauses. Watches Winter's gaze soften when hers does. "Winter, it's okay. If you leave, it's okay. We'll try again when you're ready. Take it slow, remember?"

Winter's lips twitch. "That's not something I'll forget any time soon," she says pointedly, and with Karina's answering quiet laughter, the last of tension leaves the room. "My desire to be here far outweighs my... unease," she tells Karina next, earnestly, sending pleasant heat to spread through her body. It only intensifies when she slides her hand across the table to take Karina's, lightly caressing skin. "I don't want to leave," she whispers. "That's what I feel."

Karina shakes her head. Chuckles. "How do you do this?" At Winter's confused smile, she continues. "How do you make every moment so -- special?"

Winter shrugs, and flashes her a small yet impish grin, and doesn't lean back when Karina's hand finds the back of her neck and her lips find hers.


She wakes to sunlight beaming onto her face, and it feels less poetic than it sounds. It's far too hot and harsh on her skin, and so she groans and tries to turn around, but there's a strong arm around her waist preventing her from doing so. The more she moves, the more the grip on her tightens.

Possessive side, Karina remembers Dr. Lee's words, and smiles as she gently scratches her blunt nails up and down Winter's arm, prompting her to release her so she can face her. Winter only murmurs something unintelligible in her neck and pulls her closer. She laughs.

"...Karina?" Winter's voice is warm with sleep, just like her body pressed up against Karina.

"Hey," she whispers as Winter's grip loosens enough for her to roll over and come face to face with her. She can't hold back a small chuckle at the sight before her. Winter's eyes are hazy with sleep, a little unfocused, and her hairs are wild, scattered on the pillow and partly on her face. She reaches out, brushing them away for her. Welcomes the sweet ache in her heart she's become accustomed to when Winter gives her a smile.

"Hey." Goosebumps rise where Winter's fingertips lazily stroke the skin of her lower back. "Sleep well?"

"Uh-huh," Karina replies distractedly. Her whole body - her traitorous body - decides to fully focus on Winter's small touches instead of her voice, and she's not sure she's strong enough to stop it. She's spent the whole night in Winter's embrace, and she's slowly reaching her breaking point. They almost tipped over it last night a couple of times already, when kisses grew more and more heated and hands wandered, and Winter's dark eyes turned practically black in the dark stillness of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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