Chapter 13

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"I hate that we need to leave this bed." She used to hate the way Winter's smile made her feel; the warmth she mistook for discomfort spreading through her chest. Too fast, too confusing. Unwanted.

Now, she happily lets herself melt when Winter's lips stretch in a shy, small grin that grows under her fingertips tracing beautiful contours. "I strongly... dislike it."

Karina only hums and leans up, pressing her mouth to Winter's in yet another kiss, unhurried, almost lazy. Peaceful, the word springs forth in her mind. How many of those have they shared in the past two hours? Karina's both giddy and disappointed to learn she's lost count. She wants to remember each and every one. It's almost as if they just shared their first kiss, and Karina can't get enough.

"Karina," Winter mumbles against her lips, and Karina's back arches at this because - they are kissing. In her bed. After making love for hours. "We'll be late."

She whines, nuzzling at the soft, warm-smelling skin of Winter's neck. She wants to see her father, she does. But they have to wait till two and if they skip breakfast then maybe-

"Fine," she mumbles, hands resting on the small of Winter's back. "But when we come back..." she trails off at the apologetic look in Winter's eyes. "Or when we... don't come back?"

Winter sighs, and Karina marvels, with certain incredulity, at her body's immediate response. Jesus, she thinks. It's just a sound.

But it's not. It's Winter, she blinks with awe. That's what she's doing to me, and I don't want it to stop.

She shakes her head, trying to focus on Winter's words and not on her lips. "Ningning expects me tonight," she says quietly, and Karina wants to laugh because she sounds damn near mournful. At leaving her, she realizes, and the feeling in her chest grows, warm and solid.

She knows it's childish, but: "Can't you cancel?"

"I'm afraid not." Winter huffs. "She was rather insistent when we spoke on the phone."

"Wait, when did you speak to her?"

She marvels at the pink that spills across Winter's cheeks. "When, uh, when I left to get us water."

"Ah," Karina nods as if remembering. "Right after I took three of your fingers, you mean?" The question sounds innocent as she bats her lashes at Winter, but it's anything but.

Winter's face flushes further. She clears her throat. "I - yes. Right after that."

"I can't believe you're still able to feel shame after everything you did to me," Karina doesn't hold her laughter back as she teases her lover, enjoying her embarrassed smile and downcast eyes. Winter Kim, the mighty CEO, is too adorable for her own good.

"In my defense," Winter's expression is stern, but her eyes are sparkling with laughter. "You did things far worse."

It hurts, suddenly, deeply, and Karina hopes Winter doesn't see it in her eyes. She did do things far worse. She's started off using Winter for her position, for her money. She intentionally went after her and made her fall in love with her, knowing fully well she would ruin her in the end. And the worst part is, that hasn't changed. Even after unexpectedly falling for her, Karina is still going to break her heart, but she can't keep lying to her. Winter has the right to know the truth.

She only hopes that the truth won't cost her Winter, but if it does, it's the least of what she deserves.

"Hey," Winter's whisper ghosts across her lips. "Where did you go?"

She bites her lip, letting sharp pain wash over her and hoping it'll stop tears from spilling. "I'm here," she whispers back. Cups Winter's cheek and leans up, brushing her lips against hers. "I'm not going anywhere."

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