I have to stop myself from any slight feeling of admiration or attraction I have to him, it's so easy to when he's so.. handsome? Sexy? I shook my head lightly as I thought to myself. I can't let him know I like him; He'll just use it as a weapon against me if he's feeling particularly angry.

This morning was not one of those 'kind Tom' moments.

And of course he didn't even look in my direction this morning, or acknowledge I existed. He left the kitchen just as soon as he came in, running off to his room for the remainder of the morning.

"What are your plans for the day?" I asked Natalie, leaning over on the kitchen counter.

"Not much. We gotta clean the rest of the house, and then we'll probably just hang here." I nodded, "I can help if you want?"

She smiled, "Yes please, thank you. You wanna start in the living room?"

"Sure." I stood walking over to her so she could hand me the trash bags and other various cleaning supplies. I'd feel bad if I drank their alcohol, and slept here and then didn't do anything to help.

After spending an hour or so cleaning the whole house, it looked as good as new. It would be exhausting to host parties like this all the time, I'm not sure how they do it.

Tom was still hiding in his room, Nat and Bill had made themselves comfortable on the couch. Feeling awkward, like I was interrupting their couple time I excused myself; Saying I needed to go back to the dorm to get my stuff in order, which was mostly true.

I didn't drive here, but luckily the campus isn't far so I had intended to walk. A few steps down the drive way the front door swung open behind me, startling me a bit as Tom strutted out.

"You're not walking." I flashed him a confused expression, standing still.


"Get in my car. I'll drive you." Tom extended his arm, motioning towards the vehicle. Reluctantly I listened, sliding into the passenger seat as he turned the ignition.

"You finally decide to leave your room?" My tone was flat, maybe a little rude. I was upset with him for disregarding me last night, and then pretending like I didn't exist this morning.

He clenched his jaw as he pulled out of the driveway, keeping his eyes on the road. "What I do doesn't concern you."

I scoffed, "but what I do concerns you? I was happy walking." Crossing my arms I lounged back into the seat.

"Incase you haven't noticed, I live in a bad area. You could just say thank you."

I bit my tongue, shaking my head lightly, "whatever, thanks." I spoke in a mocking tone, the car filled with a thick silence for the remainder of the drive.

I refused to even look in his direction, staring out the window as we passed houses, and little shops, eventually pulling into the dorms parking lot.

I fidgeted with my hands as he drove into a parking spot, not knowing what to say or do before leaving the car.

I turned to Tom who was looking at me intently, causing a familiar erratic beat to pump inside my chest. He flicked a tongue over his bottom lip leaning closer to me.

Thump.. Thump..

I stared at him as he inched closer, waiting for something to happen, a kiss, a hug, a hand on my shoulder, something!?

Instead he unbuckled my belt, and pushed open the door; A smug expression plastered over his face, he began to laugh as my cheeks flushed out of embarrassment.

"Here you are." He continued to laugh.

I gave him my best bitchy smile, and a middle finger, "fuck.. you." Slamming the door to his car, I quickly paced into the building, an intense swirl of both pain, and longing in my chest.

Falling onto the bed with a groan I didn't want to move. I lifted the covers over my head trying to block the outside world, to no use. All the events from last night played over and over in my head; Tom kissing me, then hooking up with some girl, saving me from that creep, and then shoving me away.

Now that I think of it, where did the girl go? I didn't see her this morning, and he didn't seem to be with her when he left the room last night. I have to keep reminding myself that, that would be my fate if we hooked up. Another conquest to be dumped as soon as the act is over.

That night Natalie returned late; I had already done my night routine, and laid in bed. She stayed quiet when she came in, crawling into her own bed. I wish I had the ability to relax like that when it came to needing to be prepared. It's a little ridiculous, but I already have my outfit picked out, and my bag ready for tomorrow.


Waking up bright, and early to my alarm, I rushed out of bed, and turned it off. Stretching my limbs before making my way to the closet to throw my outfit on. A thin beige sweater, and loose light washed blue jeans. For my hair I let it lay loose, brushing through a few tangles, and straightening the ends that got wavy in my sleep.

I skipped makeup for today, and grabbed my bag quietly exiting the room while Natalie stayed asleep.

First I went to the same coffee shop from before, only today it was a different barista. I grabbed my donut and coffee and made my way to the first class in building A.

Intro to psychology! I've always been interested in the human brain, and why we do the things we do. After a very exciting class I went to the next, which was entry level math, definitely not my strong suit.

And finally for the end of the day, my required history class. I slid through the door greeting my teacher as I made my way to one of the only empty seats left. Shortly before the bell rang Tom rushed in, taking the only set left on my right.

He was too busy rushing to his seat he didn't even notice that it was me sitting next to him.

"Hey, can I borrow a-" Tom turned, stopping as he realized it was me, his face fell.

"Oh, you."

I rolled my eyes, "Lovely to see you too Thomas."

"That's not my name." I shrugged, "what did you need to borrow?"

"A pencil?" I fought the urge to laugh, sporting an amused grin instead.

"It's the first day of class, and you don't have a pencil?"

"I must have dropped it.. somewhere. I don't know, can I have one?" Tom was getting a little irritated.

I smiled, "Fine." Handing him the spare pencil I had.


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